Changes between Initial Version and Version 2 of Ticket #262

Jul 13, 2017, 10:38:33 AM (7 years ago)

You mean to cause proper paths in CONFIG.SYS with a new drive letter? Okay but this already doable with some script magic: all CONFIG.SYS changes are done from RPM install/uninstall scriptlets using a cube macro, so one can query scriptlets of all installed RPMs via the rpm -q interface and reinstall those that use cube. Won't be fast perhaps, but fully automated.

Of course, the cube macro may be tweaked to additionally main a file containing a list of all packages that change CONFIG.SYS to speed up the reinstall operation. This is something to think on.


  • Ticket #262

    • Property Cc dave.r.yeo@… added
  • Ticket #262 – Description

    initial v2  
    1 Updating some components of the system requires an update in order for the changes to be picked up by the system or by the applications. These components include CONFIG.SYS and driver updates. RPM should require a reboot after such updates and prevent any further operation including installation, update or removal of packages. This ticket complements #261.
     1Updating some components of the system requires a reboot in order for the changes to be picked up by the system or by the applications. These components include CONFIG.SYS and driver updates. RPM should require a reboot after such updates and prevent any further operation including installation, update or removal of packages. This ticket complements #261.