1 | <WARPIN VERSION="1.0.18">
2 | <HEAD>
3 | <TITLE>eCups Printing System</TITLE>
4 |
5 |
6 | <!-- REXX FUNCTIONS -->
7 |
8 |
9 | <REXX NAME="CheckDLL">
10 | /* Searches the system LIBPATH for the specified DLL. If not found,
11 | * displays a popup dialog, and optionally aborts the installation.
12 | *
13 | * Parameters:
14 | * dname Name of the DLL to look for (must include extension)
15 | * fail If 1, abort installation if the DLL was not found
16 | * message Message text to be shown when the DLL is not found
17 | */
18 | CALL RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'REXXUTIL', 'SysLoadFuncs'
19 | CALL SysLoadFuncs
20 |
21 | PARSE ARG dname fail message
22 | IF dname == '' THEN RETURN ''
23 |
24 | _bd = SysBootDrive()
25 | IF _bd == '' THEN
27 | _csys = _bd'\CONFIG.SYS'
28 |
29 | CALL SysFileSearch 'LIBPATH=', _csys, 'match.'
30 | DO i = 1 TO match.0
31 | IF left(strip(match.i),length('LIBPATH='))=='LIBPATH=' THEN DO
32 | PARSE UPPER VAR match.i 'LIBPATH=' _lpath
33 | IF _lpath <> '' THEN LEAVE
34 | END
35 | END
37 | _testenv = 'TEST_'dname'_LIBPATH'
38 | CALL VALUE _testenv, _lpath, 'OS2ENVIRONMENT'
39 | location = SysSearchPath( _testenv, dname )
41 |
42 | IF location == '' THEN DO
43 | title = dname 'Not Found'
44 | rc = WirexxShowMessage( title, message )
45 | IF fail == 1 THEN CALL WirexxCancel
46 | END
47 |
48 | RETURN ''
49 | </REXX>
50 |
51 | <REXX NAME="ReqDLL">
52 | /* Searches the system LIBPATH for the specified DLL. If not found,
53 | * returns the string 'REQUIRES=xxx'.
54 | *
55 | * Parameters:
56 | * dname Name of the DLL to look for (must include extension)
57 | * reqpkg Value of REQUIRES string to return if DLL is not found
58 | */
59 | CALL RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'REXXUTIL', 'SysLoadFuncs'
60 | CALL SysLoadFuncs
61 |
62 | PARSE ARG dname reqpkg
63 | IF dname == '' THEN RETURN ''
64 | IF reqpkg == '' THEN RETURN ''
65 |
66 | _bd = SysBootDrive()
67 | IF _bd == '' THEN
69 | _csys = _bd'\CONFIG.SYS'
70 |
71 | CALL SysFileSearch 'LIBPATH=', _csys, 'match.'
72 | DO i = 1 TO match.0
73 | PARSE UPPER VAR match.i 'LIBPATH=' _lpath
74 | IF _lpath <> '' THEN LEAVE
75 | END
77 | _testenv = 'TEST_'dname'_LIBPATH'
78 | CALL VALUE _testenv, _lpath, 'OS2ENVIRONMENT'
79 | location = SysSearchPath( _testenv, dname )
81 |
82 | IF location == '' THEN DO
83 | RETURN 'REQUIRES='reqpkg
84 | END
85 |
86 | RETURN ''
87 | </REXX>
88 |
89 | <REXX NAME="GetPdrDir">
90 | /* Finds out where the system expects to look for installable print
91 | * driver files. Also makes sure the directory exists and is on a
92 | * writable filesystem.
93 | */
94 | default = '?:\OS2\DLL'
95 |
96 | PARSE VALUE SysIni('USER', 'PM_INSTALL', 'PDR_DIR') WITH pdr_dir '00'x .
97 | pdr_dir = STRIP( pdr_dir, 'T', '\')
98 | IF LEFT( pdr_dir, 6 ) == 'ERROR:' THEN RETURN default
99 |
100 | CALL SysFileTree pdr_dir, 'dirs.', 'D'
101 | IF dirs.0 == 0 THEN RETURN default
102 |
103 | drv = FILESPEC('DRIVE', pdr_dir )
104 | IF drv == '' THEN RETURN default
105 | IF WORDPOS( SysFileSystemType( drv ), 'HPFS JFS FAT FAT32') == 0 THEN
106 | RETURN default
107 |
108 | RETURN pdr_dir
109 | </REXX>
110 |
111 | <REXX NAME="GetUsrDir">
112 | /* Find a suitable path to treat as the system "/usr" directory tree
113 | * equivalent.
114 | */
115 | osdir = VALUE('OSDIR',,'OS2ENVIRONMENT')
116 | IF osdir <> '' THEN
117 | RETURN STRIP( osdir, 'T', '\')
118 |
120 | IF unxrt <> '' THEN
121 | RETURN STRIP( unxrt, 'T', '\') || '\usr'
122 |
123 | drvs = SysDriveMap('C:', 'LOCAL')
124 | DO i = 1 TO WORDS( drvs )
125 | drv = WORD( drvs, i )
126 | IF WORDPOS( SysFileSystemType( drv ), 'HPFS JFS') == 0 THEN ITERATE
127 |
128 | CALL SysFileTree drv'\usr', 'dirs.', 'D'
129 | IF dirs.0 > 0 THEN RETURN dirs.1
130 | END
131 | RETURN '?:\OS2'
132 | </REXX>
133 |
134 | <REXX NAME="TcpipBinCopy">
135 | /* Generates a command string to copy the specified file to the
136 | * \TCPIP\BIN directory (optionally changing the filename to "target").
137 | */
138 | ARG copyfile target
139 |
140 | ipath = SysSearchPath('PATH', 'INETD.EXE')
141 | IF ipath == '' THEN
142 | ipath = SysSearchPath('PATH', 'IFCONFIG.EXE')
143 | IF ipath == '' THEN
145 | bindir = FILESPEC('DRIVE', ipath ) || '\' || FILESPEC('PATH', ipath )
146 |
147 | RETURN "copy" copyfile bindir'\'target
148 | </REXX>
149 |
150 | <REXX NAME="GSUpdate">
151 | /* Check for an existing CUPS install and obtain the path where it
152 | * thinks Ghostscript is located. Then return a suitable EXECUTE
153 | * command for the SET_GS.CMD script, which updates the CUPS scripts
154 | * and configuration files to point to the Ghostscript directory.
155 | *
156 | * The idea is that the previously-installed CUPS files (if they exist)
157 | * presumably have the correct path to Ghostscript alread configured,
158 | * and we need to avoid losing this information if pstoraster etc. get
159 | * overwritten by the install.
160 | *
161 | * If there was no previously-configured Ghostscript path found, then
162 | * the returned command string will call SET_GS.CMD with no parameters
163 | * (which will cause it to try and search for the correct Ghostscript
164 | * path on its own).
165 | *
166 | * If Ghostscript is being installed/upgraded from this very WPI file,
167 | * then SET_GS.CMD should find its new location; this will override the
168 | * path specified in the EXECUTE command line.
169 | */
170 | ARG cupsdrive '\' .
171 |
172 | gspath = ''
173 | fltrs = cupsdrive'\cups\lib\cups\filter'
174 | ps2r = STREAM( fltrs'\pstoraster', 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS')
175 | IF ps2r <> '' THEN DO
176 | CALL LINEIN ps2r, 1, 0
177 | DO WHILE LINES( ps2r ) > 0
178 | _line = LINEIN( ps2r )
179 | IF ( LEFT( _line, 7 ) == 'prefix=') THEN DO
180 | PARSE VAR _line 'prefix=' gspath
181 | gspath = STRIP( gspath )
182 | IF gspath == '' THEN ITERATE
183 | gspath = TRANSLATE( gspath, '\', '/')
184 | _start = POS('\', gspath )
185 | IF _start > 1 THEN
186 | gspath = SUBSTR( gspath, _start )
187 | END
188 | END
189 | CALL STREAM ps2r, 'C', 'CLOSE'
190 | END
191 | IF gspath == '' THEN
192 | RETURN 'EXECUTE="'cupsdrive'\cups\set_gs.cmd /y"'
193 |
194 | RETURN 'EXECUTE="'cupsdrive'\cups\set_gs.cmd /x:'gspath '/y"'
195 | </REXX>
196 |
197 |
198 | <!-- PACKAGES -->
199 |
200 |
201 | <!-- The following packages contain the core CUPS files -->
202 |
203 | <PCK INDEX=1
204 | PACKAGEID="netlabs.org\eCups\CUPS\1\4\8"
205 | TITLE="CUPS"
206 | REQUIRES=2
207 |
208 | <!-- Check for required DLLs -->
209 | =("CheckDLL LIBC063.DLL 1 The required runtime library LIBC063.DLL was not found on your system. You must install this library before you can install eCups.")
210 | =("CheckDLL GCC452.DLL 0 The runtime library GCC452.DLL was not found on your system. You must install this library before you can install eCups.")
211 | =("CheckDLL USBCALLS.DLL 0 The library USBCALLS.DLL was not found on your system. You must install this library in order to be able to print to USB printers.")
212 |
213 | <!-- Default to current boot drive for CUPS components, including
214 | Ghostscript, Gutenprint, HPLIP and SpliX
215 | -->
216 | TARGET="?:\"
217 | BASE
219 | SELECT
221 |
222 | <!-- Kill any running CUPSD instance -->
223 | KILLPROCESS="cupsd.exe"
224 |
225 | <!-- If installing over an existing CUPS, try to preserve the
226 | configured path to Ghostscript.
227 | -->
228 | =("GSUpdate $(1)")
229 |
230 | <!-- Create some required directories -->
231 | EXECUTE="MKDIR $(1)cups\var"
232 | EXECUTE="MKDIR $(1)cups\var\cache"
233 | EXECUTE="MKDIR $(1)cups\var\cache\cups"
234 | EXECUTE="MKDIR $(1)cups\var\cache\cups\rss"
235 | EXECUTE="MKDIR $(1)cups\var\log"
236 | EXECUTE="MKDIR $(1)cups\var\log\cups"
237 | EXECUTE="MKDIR $(1)cups\var\run"
238 | EXECUTE="MKDIR $(1)cups\var\run\cups"
239 | EXECUTE="MKDIR $(1)cups\var\spool"
240 | EXECUTE="MKDIR $(1)cups\var\spool\cups"
241 | EXECUTE="MKDIR $(1)cups\var\spool\cups\tmp"
242 |
243 | <!-- Delete any existing objects created by the old WPI -->
245 | EXECUTE="CREATEOBJECT|REXXTRY CALL SysDestroyObject '<eCUPS Documents>'"
246 |
247 | <!-- Start the CUPS daemon (detached) -->
248 | EXECUTE="detach $(1)cups\sbin\cupsd.exe"
249 |
250 | <!-- Create and populate the desktop folder -->
254 | CREATEOBJECT="REPLACE WPUrl|CUPS Administration^(Local)|<ECUPS_FOLDER>|URL=http://localhost:631;OBJECTID=<ECUPS_ADMIN>;"
255 | CREATEOBJECT="REPLACE WPUrl|eCups Home|<ECUPS_FOLDER>|URL=http://svn.netlabs.org/ecups;OBJECTID=<ECUPS_HOME>;"
256 | CREATEOBJECT="REPLACE WPUrl|eCups HowTo|<ECUPS_FOLDER>|URL=http://svn.netlabs.org/ecups/wiki/HowTo;OBJECTID=<ECUPS_HOWTO>;"
257 | CREATEOBJECT="REPLACE WPUrl|Frequently^Asked Questions|<ECUPS_FOLDER>|URL=http://svn.netlabs.org/ecups/wiki/CupsFaq;OBJECTID=<ECUPS_FAQ>;"
259 |
260 | <!-- Create a shadow of CUPSD in the Startup folder -->
262 |
263 | <!-- Save the CUPS path in the INI file (for future use) -->
265 |
266 | >This package contains the CUPS daemon and related files</PCK>
267 |
268 | <PCK INDEX=2
269 | PACKAGEID="netlabs.org\eCups\Port Driver\2\0\3"
270 | TITLE="eCups Port Driver"
271 | REQUIRES="netlabs.org\eCups\CUPS\1\3\11"
272 | TARGET="?:\"
273 | NOBASE
274 | FIXED
275 | SELECT
276 |
277 | <!-- Copy cups lpr.exe to \tcpip\bin\cupslpr.exe -->
278 | EXECUTE="=("TcpipBinCopy $(1)cups\bin\lpr.exe cupslpr.exe")"
279 |
280 | <!-- Reattach the EAs on cups.pdr -->
281 | EXECUTE="eautil.exe $(2)OS2\DLL\CUPS.PDR $(2)OS2\DLL\CUPS.EA /J"
282 |
283 | <!-- Install the port driver in Presentation Manager -->
285 |
286 | >This package contains the port driver which enables CUPS printing for applications</PCK>
287 |
288 | <PCK INDEX=3
289 | PACKAGEID="netlabs.org\Ghostscript\Ghostscript\9\0\2"
290 | EXTERNAL="ghostscript-9_0_2.wpi"
291 | TITLE="Ghostscript v9 (experimental)"
292 | TARGET="$(1)gs"
293 | FIXED
294 | SELECT
296 |
297 | <!-- Save the Ghostscript path in the INI file (required by SET_GS.CMD) -->
298 | WRITEPROFILE="USER\eCups\Ghostscript|$(3)\gs9.02"
299 |
300 | >This package contains GNU Ghostscript, which is required for CUPS to function. This is the latest (experimental) version available, and is not guaranteed to be 100% reliable.</PCK>
301 |
302 | <PCK INDEX=4
303 | PACKAGEID="netlabs.org\Ghostscript\Ghostscript\8\7\1"
304 | EXTERNAL="ghostscript-8_7_1.wpi"
305 | TITLE="Ghostscript v8 (stable)"
306 | TARGET="$(1)gs"
307 | FIXED
309 |
310 | <!-- Save the Ghostscript path in the INI file (required by SET_GS.CMD) -->
311 | WRITEPROFILE="USER\eCups\Ghostscript|$(4)\gs8.71"
312 |
313 | >This package contains GNU Ghostscript, which is required for CUPS to function. This is a stable version which is reported to work reliably with CUPS.</PCK>
314 |
315 |
316 | <GROUP TITLE="Printer support packages (at least one is required)">
317 |
318 | <PCK INDEX=20
319 | PACKAGEID="netlabs.org\eCups\Gutenprint\5\2\7\1"
320 | EXTERNAL="gutenprint-5_2_7_1.wpi"
321 | REQUIRES=1
322 | =("CheckDLL GCC453.DLL 0 The runtime library GCC453.DLL was not found on your system. You must install this library before you can install eCups.")
323 | TITLE="Gutenprint"
324 | TARGET="$(1)"
325 | FIXED
326 | SELECT
328 | KILLPROCESS="cupsd.exe"
329 | EXECUTE="$(20)cups\ppd_updt.cmd $(20)"
330 | >Gutenprint is the main printer support package used by CUPS</PCK>
331 |
332 | <PCK INDEX=21
333 | PACKAGEID="netlabs.org\eCups\Splix\1\1\1"
334 | EXTERNAL="splix-1_1_1.wpi"
335 | TITLE="SpliX"
336 | REQUIRES=1
337 | REQUIRES=22
338 | TARGET="$(1)"
339 | FIXED
340 | >This package contains the SpliX package for supporting various Samsung and Xerox printers</PCK>
341 |
342 | <PCK INDEX=22
343 | PACKAGEID="netlabs.org\GCC4\GCC432 Custom Runtime\4\3\2"
344 | EXTERNAL="splix-1_1_1.wpi"
345 | TITLE="SpliX Support DLL"
346 | TARGET="=("GetUsrDir")\DLL"
347 | NOBASE
349 | >This package contains the custom GCC runtime required by SpliX</PCK>
350 |
351 | <PCK INDEX=23
352 | PACKAGEID="netlabs.org\eCups\HP-LIP\3\10\2\1"
353 | EXTERNAL="hplip-3_10_2.wpi"
354 | TITLE="HP-LIP"
355 | REQUIRES=1
356 | TARGET="$(1)"
357 | FIXED
358 | >This package contains the HP-LIP package for supporting various Hewlett-Packard printers</PCK>
359 |
360 | <PCK INDEX=24
361 | PACKAGEID="netlabs.org\eCups\Foomatic\4\0\5\1"
362 | EXTERNAL="foomatic-rip-4_0_5.wpi"
363 | TITLE="foomatic-rip"
364 | REQUIRES=1
365 | TARGET="$(1)"
366 | FIXED
367 | >This package contains the foomatic-rip utility for printing via built-in Ghostscript drivers</PCK>
368 |
369 | <PCK INDEX=25
370 | PACKAGEID="netlabs.org\eCups\foo2qpdl\2010\6\20\1"
371 | EXTERNAL="foo2qpdl-20100620.wpi"
372 | REQUIRES=1
373 | REQUIRES=24
374 | TITLE="foo2x drivers"
375 | TARGET="$(1)"
376 | FIXED
377 | >This package contains the foo2qpdl, foo2hiperc, foo2hp, foo2lava, foo2oak, foo2slx, foo2xqx and foo2zjs driver packages for printing through foomatic-rip</PCK>
378 |
379 | </GROUP>
380 |
381 |
382 | <!-- The following packages contain OS/2 printer drivers and related files -->
383 |
384 | <GROUP TITLE="System PostScript drivers (at least one is required)">
385 |
386 | <PCK INDEX=10
387 | PACKAGEID="netlabs.org\eCups\ECUPS Driver\30\800\1"
388 | EXTERNAL="ecups-pdr-20090324.wpi"
389 | TITLE="ECUPS Printer Driver"
390 | TARGET="=("GetPdrDir")\ECUPS"
391 | NOBASE
392 | SELECT
394 | >This package contains the eCups PostScript printer driver, for use with Gutenprint, Splix, and other printer support packages</PCK>
395 |
396 | <PCK INDEX=11
397 | PACKAGEID="netlabs.org\eCups\ECUPS-HP Driver\30\800\1"
398 | EXTERNAL="ecupshp-pdr-20100304.wpi"
399 | TITLE="ECUPS-HP Printer Driver (for HP-LIP)"
400 | TARGET="=("GetPdrDir")\ECUPS-HP"
401 | NOBASE
403 | >This package contains the eCups PostScript printer driver for use with HP-LIP</PCK>
404 |
405 | <PCK INDEX=12
406 | PACKAGEID="netlabs.org\eCups\GUTENPRT Driver\30\800\0"
407 | EXTERNAL="guten-pdr-20080712.wpi"
408 | TITLE="GUTENPRT Printer Driver"
409 | TARGET="=("GetPdrDir")\GUTENPRT"
410 | NOBASE
411 | >This package contains an older version of the eCups PostScript driver; it is not required if the eCups Printer Driver is installed</PCK>
412 |
413 | </GROUP>
414 |
415 | </HEAD>
416 |
417 |
418 | <BODY>
421 | <TEXT>Welcome to eCups. Please read the information below before continuing.</TEXT>
423 | This WarpIN package allows you to install the Common Unix Printing System
424 | (CUPS) framework for eComStation and OS/2, more commonly referred to as
425 | "eCups".<p><br>
426 |
427 | <p><b><u>eCups Components</u></b></p>
428 |
429 | <p>eCups consists of a number of components. Depending on your environment,
430 | you may not need to install all of them.</p>
431 |
432 | <p>The installable eCups components are described below. Note that all except
433 | the "CUPS" and "eCups Port Driver" components are provided as separate WPI
434 | packages; you must download each package that you require and place it in the
435 | same directory as this one.</p><br>
436 |
437 | <p><u>The core CUPS components</u></p>
438 | <p>These are always required (although if you already have them installed on
439 | your system, you do not necessarily have to install them again).</p>
440 | <dl>
441 | <dt>CUPS
442 | <dd>The Common Unix Printing System base product, consisting of the CUPS Daemon
443 | (cupsd) and related utilities, core conversion filters, "backends" for
444 | communicating with printers over various types of connections, and a basic set
445 | of generic printer drivers.
446 | <dt>eCups Port Driver
447 | <dd>Allows redirecting of printer output from the system spooler to the CUPS
448 | spooler. Effectively, this is what enables CUPS printing from applications.
449 | <dt>Ghostscript
450 | <dd>Software PostScript interpreter, required for converting print jobs into
451 | the necessary format for printing. You must install this unless you already
452 | have a version installed in your system; even in the latter case, note that
453 | CUPS <i>must</i> be installed onto the same drive as Ghostscript.
454 | </dl><br>
455 |
456 | <p><u>Printer support packages</u></p>
457 | <p>These are the driver packages used by CUPS. You must generally have at
458 | least one of these installed. Choose whichever one includes support for your
459 | printer; see the listed URLs to find out what printers each one supports.</p>
460 | <dl>
461 | <dt>Gutenprint
462 | <dd>The largest available package of printer drivers, formerly known as GIMP-Print.
463 | Supports a wide range of printers from a variety of manufacturers; see
464 | <a href="http://gutenprint.sourceforge.net/p_Supported_Printers.php">http://gutenprint.sourceforge.net/p_Supported_Printers.php</a>
465 | for a list.
466 | <dt>SpliX
467 | <dd>A package of drivers for various printers (mostly) from Samsung and Xerox;
468 | the list is available at
469 | <a href="http://splix.sourceforge.net/">http://splix.sourceforge.net/</a>
470 | <dt>HP-LIP
471 | <dd>Another CUPS driver package, this one for Hewlett-Packard printers. A list
472 | of supported devices is available at
473 | <a href="http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/supported_devices/index.html">http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/supported_devices/index.html</a>
474 | <dt>foomatic-rip
475 | <dd>A filter program for converting PostScript into a printer's native language
476 | using Ghostscript; required for a number of printer drivers that are internal to
477 | Ghostscript itself.
478 | <dt>foo2<i>x</i>
479 | <dd>A set of wrappers for foomatic-rip which support various proprietary printer
480 | languages. See <a href="http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/">http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/</a>
481 | for details. Note that this is still largely experimental, and has not been
482 | widely tested.
483 | </dl><br>
484 |
485 | <p><u>System PostScript drivers</u></p>
486 | <p>These are used by your applications and desktop printer objects to create
487 | the printer jobs which are passed on to CUPS. You must install at least one
488 | of these drivers. (The "ECUPS-HP Printer Driver" is intended for use with
489 | HP-LIP; otherwise, the standard "ECUPS Printer Driver" is recommended.)</p>
490 | <dl>
491 | <dt>ECUPS Printer Driver
492 | <dd>The standard eCups PostScript driver. It contains printer definitions
493 | (used for configuring your desktop printer object) for over 650 printers
494 | supported by Gutenprint and SpliX.
495 | <dt>ECUPS-HP Printer Driver
496 | <dd>An alternate version of the eCups PostScript driver, for use with HP-LIP.
497 | It contains definitions for over 600 HP-LIP printer models.</dl>
498 | <p>Both drivers contain the same functionality; the only difference lies in the
499 | specific printer models defined in each one by default. In either case, it is
500 | possible to add support for new printer models by importing PPD files into the
501 | driver.</p><br>
502 |
503 | <p><b><u>Installation</u></b></p>
504 | <p>Select the packages you need (as described above). To recap, you require:
505 | <ul>
506 | <li>The main CUPS package
507 | <li>The eCups Port Driver
508 | <li>Ghostscript
509 | <li>At least one printer support package (generally Gutenprint, SpliX, or
510 | HP-LIP).
511 | <li>The ECUPS printer driver if you are installing Gutenprint, SpliX, or
512 | foomatic-rip; the ECUPS-HP printer driver if you are installing HP-LIP.
513 | </ul>
514 | <p>Install the selected packages. If the installation is successful, the
515 | following should result:
516 | <ul>
517 | <li>The selected files will be installed to your hard disk, and the WarpIN
518 | database will be updated accordingly.
519 | <li>An <i>eCups</i> folder will be created and opened.
520 | <li>A shadow of the CUPS Daemon program object will be placed into your
521 | Startup folder.
522 | <li>The CUPS Daemon will be started in the background.
523 | </ul><br>
524 |
525 | <p><b><u>Upgrade Notes</u></b></p>
526 | <p>In general, upgrading an existing installation is as simple as installing
527 | over the previous version. However, a few specific remarks are in order:
528 | <ul>
529 | <li>The installer will attempt to automatically modify the necessary CUPS
530 | configuration files to point to the installed version of Ghostscript. If
531 | you encounter errors while printing, you may wish to double-check the file
532 | <tt>\cups\lib\cups\filter\pstoraster</tt> to ensure that the Ghostscript
533 | path is correct. (If you have installed foomatic or foo2<i>x</i>, you should
534 | also check the files <tt>\cups\etc\foomatic\filter.conf</tt> and
535 | <tt>\cups\bin\foo2qpdl-wrapper</tt>.)
536 | <li>When upgrading to a new release of Gutenprint, any Gutenprint PPD files
537 | that are in use by CUPS must also be updated. If you have Perl installed
538 | (and <tt>perl.exe</tt> is on your PATH), then the installer will attempt to
539 | run the update utility <tt>cups-genppdupdate</tt> automatically. In either
540 | event, you should double-check your printer configuration in the CUPS
541 | administration GUI to ensure that all Gutenprint PPD files report the
542 | correct (newly-installed) version.
543 | </ul><br>
544 | </README>
545 | </PAGE>
546 |
549 | <TEXT>Select the components of eCups that you wish to install.
550 |
551 | NOTE: You MUST install the CUPS component to the ROOT directory of the target drive (e.g. "H:\" rather than "H:\some-directory").
552 |
553 | If you wish to use a previously-installed copy of Ghostscript, you must install CUPS to the same drive.
554 | </TEXT>
555 | </PAGE>
556 |
559 | <TEXT>Press "Install" to begin installing eCups</TEXT>
560 | </PAGE>
561 | </BODY>
562 |
563 | </WARPIN>