wiki:QT4 Application

Version 19 (modified by Guillaume Gay, 13 years ago) (diff)

Update - Clipgrab moved to Multimedia page, Prosit moved to Office

Miscellaneous applications

Below is a list of all known Qt4 applications that are available for OS/2 and eCS. Either maintained here or in the orginal code base. Entries are sorted in alphabetical order.

NameVersionDL LinkDescriptionWeb siteUpdate Info
Aarni0.2.0.2ZipAarni is a small and easy-to-use file encryptor.Aarni
ASTranslator0.9.12Zip This application translates text via Google Translate engine.Changed to GA
Basqet0.1.4ZipA cross platform note-taking software (1).BasqetChanged to GA
DaemonFS1.1ZipA real time file watcher. This tool lets you track modifications to your files.DaemonFS
!DjView44.6ZipA DjVu file viewer.DjView4
DiffPDF1.1.4ZipDiffPDF is used to compare two PDF files.DiffPDF
Eyes0.9.5ZipThis program helps you find your cursor on the screen if you have lost it.Changed to GA
HolyServices1.0.0.18ZipCalendar-like planning of holy services for small parishes, connection to iCal supporting time-organizers.Holyservices
Kapow1.3.3ZipA punch clock program designed to easily keep track of your hours, whether you're working on one project or many (1).Kapow
KBackup0.9.2ZipA application that uses rsync to perform backups (1).KBackup
Kontakter0.2ZipA easy-to-use yet powerful address book with advance search functionality.Kontakter
leminuteur2010-12.2ZipA simple timer application developed for an article in a magazine Magnum (1).
LillePOS1.0.1ZipLillePOS is a 'Point Of Sale' application originally implemented for a small coffee shop.
LugduloV0.4.0ZipA bike sharing application. It allows you to find free bikes or slots near you.LugduloV
MyCinemaZipMyCinema is a simple, fast, and multiplatform application to create your own movie collection.MyCinema
Qccrypt0.2ZipA front-end for the ccrypt en/decryption tool.
QdiskUsage1.0.4ZipA Graphical Disk Usage Analyzer.
Qgoogletranslate0.2b7ZipThis application translates text via Google Translate engine (1).QgoogletranslateChanged to GA
Qlipper1.7ZipA clipboard history applet. Maybe useful if you don't have KDE's KlipperChanged to GA
Qlipshare0.0.1ZipA system tray application to synchronize clipboard contents between computers, for instance between host and guest(s) in the virtual machine. It supports text and selection clipboard. A history window with the possibility to restore older clipboard's contents is available (1).
QPassgen1.0ZipA Small GUI application to generate random secure passwords (like NCpg*fmO_08uLh).QPassgen
QScaleGen0.3ZipQScaleGen is a small application for generating scales for guitar players.QScaleGen
Qsifre2.0ZipA simple and easy to use password management tool.Qsifre
Qtar1.0.7ZipRead .pro files to create a .tar file with the files linked in the .pro.
qtDbf0.9.3ZipA simple DBF viewer and editor.qtDbf
Quicky0.4ZipQuicky is a simple note-taking application with Wiki-style syntax and behaviour.Quicky
Qwatermark0.2.1ZipA simple application to make watermark.
Sqliteman1.2.2ZipA simple but powerfull Sqlite3 GUI database manager.Sqliteman
Synkron1.6.0Zip SourcesA free, powerful directory synchronizing tool with many options.
Tradutor0.1ZipTranslates text via Google Translate api.
XQueryEvaluator0.5.5ZipXQueryEvaluator is a little editor to help writing XQuery scripts.
zNotes0.4.4ZipA lightweigh crossplatform application for notes management (1).zNotes


1 - The application uses the System Tray widget.

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