Changes between Version 85 and Version 86 of WikiStart

Mar 23, 2013, 1:54:58 PM (12 years ago)
Dmitry A. Kuminov

Announce Qt 4.3.2 GA2


  • WikiStart

    v85 v86  
    3131=== History ===
     32 * As of the 22nd of March 2013, Qt 4.7.3 GA2 is available
    3233 * As of the 15th of September 2011, Qt 4.7.3 is available
    3334 * As of the 19th of November 2010, Qt 4.6.3 is available
    3738== Latest Version ==
    38 The latest version is '''4.7.3''' released on 15.09.2011. This release brings the new functionality provided by the major Qt 4.7 update from Nokia and fixes a number of bugs. This release also includes the QtDeclarative library and the awesome QML framework.
    40 The more detailed list of changes can be found in the [source:/tags/4.7.3/CHANGES.OS2 CHANGES.OS2] file.
     39The latest version is '''4.7.3 GA2''' released on 22.03.2013. This release brings a series of important OS/2-specific improvements. In particular, support for kLIBC path rewrite feature (paths lile /@unixroot) and support for symlinks in file system related classes and in the file dialog UI was added. Also, a bug that could crash applications when loading plugins was fixed.
     41The more detailed list of changes can be found in the [source:/tags/ CHANGES.OS2] file.
    4243Starting from version '''4.7.3''', the primary way to distribute and install official binary builds of Qt for OS/2 is RPM. This means that all Qt components are provided as RPM packages which may be installed from either the netlabs RPM repositories using the YUM command or directly using the RPM command (the GUI frontend is on the way). In order to install RPM packages on your machine, you need to install the RPM bootstrap package (once) which contains the RPM installer. The installation of RPM is described [ here] in detail. Once you have RPM installed, you may issue one of following commands to install various parts of Qt:
    7778||'''GCC 4 Core Libraries'''||[ WPI]||GCC 4 runtime libraries needed for all Qt 4 installations (required).||
    7879||'''xsystray widget'''||[ WPI]||Extended system tray widget for xCenter/eCenter for system tray support In Qt (optional).||
    79 ||'''eCUPS Installer'''||[ eCUPS Wiki]||eCUPS support necessary for printing to work in Qt 4 applications (optional). Please see the wiki for installation steps.||
     80||'''eCUPS Installer'''||[ WPI]||eCUPS support necessary for printing to work in Qt 4 applications (optional).||
    8081||'''OpenSSL Runtime'''||[ ZIP]||Contains OpenSSL DLLs necessary for OpenSSL support and for MySQL/PostgresSQL plugins to operate (optional).||
    8283==== Qt 4 ZIP Packages ====
    84 ||'''Qt Runtime Libraries and Plugins'''||[ ZIP]||Qt 4 runtime necessary to run Qt 4 applications.||
    85 ||'''Qt Development Libraries and Tools'''||[ ZIP]||Qt 4 development environment necessary compile applications created using the Qt4 framework. Requires the '''Qt Runtime Libraries and Plugins''' package.||
    86 ||'''Full Qt Source Code'''||[ ZIP]||Take this if you want to build the Qt library yourself (recommended as the '''development environment''' if you regularly develop or port Qt applications).||
     85||'''Qt Runtime Libraries and Plugins'''||[ ZIP]||Qt 4 runtime necessary to run Qt 4 applications.||
     86||'''Qt Development Libraries and Tools'''||[ ZIP]||Qt 4 development environment necessary compile applications created using the Qt4 framework. Requires the '''Qt Runtime Libraries and Plugins''' package.||
    8888The full Qt source code can be downloaded from the SVN repository. In order to do so you need to download and install the subversion client for eCS (OS/2) and issue the following command (''<local_directory>'' is a directory where you want to save the sources to):
    90 svn export <local_directory>
     90svn export <local_directory>
    98 The required tools and build instructions are described in the [source:/tags/4.7.3/README.OS2 README.OS2] file.
     98The required tools and build instructions are described in the [source:/tags/ README.OS2] file.
    100100The older downloads are available [ here].