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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#176 ataylor invalid Calling CUPS API from REXX DLL causes exception in GCC1 (stack overflow?)

Opening this ticket to track the issue.

I've started working on a REXX-callable interface to CUPS (rexxcups, currently hosted in ecups/trunk/rexxlib).

Calling a simple function (CupsGetQueues?) which works fine in a standalone test exe causes an exception when called via REXX.

12-06-2017  14:39:10  SYS3175  PID 099a  TID 0001  Slot 007e
P1=00000002  P2=0016fff0  P3=XXXXXXXX  P4=XXXXXXXX  
EAX=0000304c  EBX=004e6aa0  ECX=0016fff0  EDX=00000008
ESI=004e39c0  EDI=00000003  
DS=0053  DSACC=d0f3  DSLIM=5fffffff  
ES=0053  ESACC=d0f3  ESLIM=5fffffff  
FS=150b  FSACC=00f3  FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000  GSACC=****  GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e8c00e3  CSACC=d0df  CSLIM=5fffffff
SS:ESP=006b:00175fe4  SSACC=d0f3  SSLIM=5fffffff
EBP=00175ffc  FLG=00010206

GCC1.DLL 0001:000000e3

This may be a result of running out of stack space.

The same general error occurs when building with gcc 4.5.2 or 4.9.2, or linking against cups.dll (RPM) or cups20.dll (Paul).

One possible approach may be to start a new thread (with a large stack) when calling any CUPS function?

#178 Alfredo Fernández Díaz fixed Experimental ASpell prompts for word correction once, then allows correction every two mispellings

As per the closure of #177, I installed the latest experimental ASpell.

When checking a file, the program should show a line containing some 'misspelled' word, present a multiple choice menu to deal with it, and repeat till EOF is reached.

The program does as it should the first time; from the second misspelled word on, it shows the menu but does not allow input, then proceeds to the next misspelled word, effectively letting users to correct every other misspelling.

Sample output below: note the first prompt had some input (right after "?"), then none is taken for the second prompt, and the third prompt is presented directly.

Archive *Filename*:

1) File name 6) Film 2) File-name 7) Flange 3) Forename 8) Flume 4) Flame 9) Flannel 5) Flamer 0) Fulsome i) Ignorar I) Ignorar todos r) Sustituir R) Sustituir todos a) Añadir l) Añadir minúsculas b) Abortar x) Salir ? I

Archive Filename: *PMPrintf*

1) Imprint 4) Imprinter 2) Imprints 5) Imprint's 3) Imprinted i) Ignorar I) Ignorar todos r) Sustituir R) Sustituir todos a) Añadir l) Añadir minúsculas b) Abortar x) Salir ?

Short Description: *PMPRINTF* debugger with PM viewer & programmer interfaces

1) IMPRINT 4) IMPRINTER 2) IMPRINTS 5) IMPRINT'S 3) IMPRINTED i) Ignorar I) Ignorar todos r) Sustituir R) Sustituir todos a) Añadir l) Añadir minúsculas b) Abortar x) Salir ?

#180 Lewis Rosenthal wontfix foo2zjs driver request

Apparently, there are a number of lower end (WinPrinters? or GDI) which utilize the Zenographics ZjStream wire protocol. This driver allows these printers to work from CUPS.


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