Custom Query (27 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#15 fixed Text is clipped in search dialog RBRi christian.hennecke@…

Parts of the search dialog are clipped in higher resolutions when Scitech SNAP is setup the following way in CONFIG.SYS:



This is confirmed for resolutions of 1280x1024 pixels and higher. See attachment for a screenshot.

#10 fixed Newview doesn't pass quoted parameters to launched executables correctly RBRi cla

For links with reftype=launch the parameters within the attribute data are not handled correctly, if parameters are enclosed in double quotes.

I include a testcase to demo the filename case. Note that the IBM viewer does handle double quotes correctly. See further explanation in the testcase panel itself.

The testcase is compiled with HyperText?/2, you may want to download from hobbes for evaluation.

I would greatly appreciate if you could pass me an email to cla@… when the error is about to be fixed. I could implement a workaround in HyperText?/2, but that would not help for lots of old INFs being already around (BTW, this is why I would consider this being important, so the major prio). And it would not solve the basic problem, also affecting filenames and such.

#6 fixed Help start give unexpected results RBRi drowelf@…

If you enter 'help start' from the command line I get information about starting the spooler, when the old view.exe would give me the syntax for the Start Command, which is what I want. I've seen other instances of the same kind of stuff. Entering help device does not get you the help for DEVICE=, but a subtopic.

Generally if a help xxxx should give you help on command XXXX if it exists. If that fails then a context search is necessary to see if there are any matching phrases.

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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.