Custom Query (27 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#47 worksforme Persistent startup crash when NetDrive control program is active stevenhl Lewis Rosenthal

I finally chased this one down and figured out why it was coming and going.


When ndctl.exe (the NetDrive daemon) is running and the following plugins are loaded:

ndpftp ndpsmb ndpntfs ndpdav ndpfat ndpiso

upon starting NewView, the following crash is reported and recorded:

App Version: V2.19.4
Components Version: v1.11.26
Library Version: V1.5.14

Running as process: C:\ECS\BIN\NEWVIEW.EXE
31 January 2017, 20:39:04
Exception type: EGPFault
Description: Access violation exception (EGPFault) occured
at CS:EIP  =$0000005B:$000E5B67
Location: $000E5B67
System version:20.45.0
  OS/2 4.5
RAM: 1982 MB
Boot drive: C
Video resolution: 1400x1050
Color depth: 32 bits
Loaded files (2):

Further, when selecting No (do not exit the program) following the startup crash, and subsequently searching all help files, attempting to open the directory selection window fails (this is what put me onto NetDrive in the first place).

I suspect it is the Samba plugin, as that is the plugin currently seeing most development activity, and this issue did not occur until I was in the middle of testing new Samba builds. I will confirm by disabling Samba and rebooting.

#1 invalid "Tools"\"Save to LNG file..." some items not updated RBRi RBRi

Some language items are NOT updated while using the "Tools"\"Save to LNG file..." item.

#51 invalid Trap on search for some terms in some inf files Gregg Young

Calling from eftepm Highlight "return" and open the open watcom 2.0 C reference guide. You get the following from newview. Note if you search "return" after opening this file (Watcom C guild) the same thing happens. It doesn't happen if you open the C++ guide

This application has crashed.

Access violation exception (EGPFault) occured at CS:EIP =$0000005B:$00012154 (Details logged to W:\VAR\LOG\NewView?.log)

Close application?

Newview log entry:

Running as process: W:\ECS\BIN\NEWVIEW.EXE 5 July 2015, 16:07:55 Exception type: EGPFault Description: Access violation exception (EGPFault) occured at CS:EIP =$0000005B:$00012154 Location: $000120AB Callstack:


System version:20.45.0

OS/2 4.5

RAM: 2039 MB Boot drive: W Video resolution: 1024x768 Color depth: 32 bits Video driver: GRADD: VBE2GRAD Loaded files (2): U:\WATCOM\BINP\HELP\clib.inf U:\WATCOM\BINP\HELP\clr.inf Top-level open windows: 0

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