Custom Query (27 matches)


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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#5 RBRi RBRi fixed Problems with links

It is possible to define links inside ipf based on the call of an external program. NewView has serveral problems with this.

  1. the program is started with a new environment
  2. the parameter handling has problems with quoting

and maybe there are more. Will check this in detail.

#6 RBRi drowelf@… fixed Help start give unexpected results

If you enter 'help start' from the command line I get information about starting the spooler, when the old view.exe would give me the syntax for the Start Command, which is what I want. I've seen other instances of the same kind of stuff. Entering help device does not get you the help for DEVICE=, but a subtopic.

Generally if a help xxxx should give you help on command XXXX if it exists. If that fails then a context search is necessary to see if there are any matching phrases.

#8 RBRi guest fixed egpfaults with 2.19 beta

This application has crashed.

Access violation exception (EGPFault) occured at CS:EIP =$0000005B:$00017F03 (Details logged to D:\var\log\NewView.log)

Close application?

If I selct No I can open some of the contents but others again give me this error. I am seeing this on the xwlan and genmac inf files. From the log:

App Version: V2.19.beta3 Components Version: v1.11.26 Library Version: V1.5.14

Running as process: D:\OS2\VIEW.EXE 15 November 2006, 16:30:21 Exception type: EGPFault Description: Access violation exception (EGPFault) occured at CS:EIP =$0000005B:$00017F03 Location: $00017F03 Callstack:

$00017F03 $000B77D6 $000BBA0D $000BD32E $000EEEA2 $000EE354 $000EA4DF $000E67B5 $000E6753 $000A60EC $00049512 $00018501 $0003318C $000330AC $1FD457A8 $0003A494 $000396D9 $0003AF0D $0001032A $1FFEC183

System version:20.45.0

OS/2 4.5

RAM: 1534 MB Boot drive: D Video resolution: 1400x1050 Color depth: 32 bits Video driver: GRADD: SDDGRADD Loaded files (1): E:\DOWNLOAD\GEN200\inf\genmac.inf Last major topic index: 0 Top-level open windows: 1

App Version: V2.19.beta3 Components Version: v1.11.26 Library Version: V1.5.14

Running as process: D:\OS2\VIEW.EXE 15 November 2006, 16:30:26 Exception type: EGPFault Description: Access violation exception (EGPFault) occured at CS:EIP =$0000005B:$00017F03 Location: $00017F03 Callstack:

$00017F03 $000B77D6 $000BBA0D $000BD32E $000EEEA2 $000EE354 $000EA4DF $000E67B5 $000E6753 $000A60EC $0004A263 $00018501 $0003318C $000330AC $1FD457A8 $0003A494 $000396D9 $0003AF0D $0001032A $1FFEC183

System version:20.45.0

OS/2 4.5

RAM: 1534 MB Boot drive: D Video resolution: 1400x1050 Color depth: 32 bits Video driver: GRADD: SDDGRADD Loaded files (1): E:\DOWNLOAD\GEN200\inf\genmac.inf Last major topic index: 0 Top-level open windows: 1

App Version: V2.19.beta3 Components Version: v1.11.26 Library Version: V1.5.14

Running as process: D:\OS2\VIEW.EXE 15 November 2006, 16:30:30 Exception type: EGPFault Description: Access violation exception (EGPFault) occured at CS:EIP =$0000005B:$000B77CE Location: $000B77CE Callstack:

$000B77CE $000BBA0D $000BD32E $000EEEA2 $000EE354 $000EF80A $000EF061 $000EE354 $000EA4DF $000E67B5 $000E6753 $000A60EC $00049512 $00018501 $0003318C $000330AC $1FD457A8 $0003A494 $000396D9 $0003AF0D $0001032A $1FFEC183

System version:20.45.0

OS/2 4.5

RAM: 1534 MB Boot drive: D Video resolution: 1400x1050 Color depth: 32 bits Video driver: GRADD: SDDGRADD Loaded files (1): E:\DOWNLOAD\GEN200\inf\genmac.inf Last major topic index: 1 Top-level open windows: 2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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