Custom Query (31 matches)


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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#18 Andreas Schnellbacher jbs fixed Build cannot find nllogo.bmp when building inf and hlp files

Using a fresh checkout of the repository, the build system is unable to "find" nllogo.bmp. The error message is: makefile.txt(*): Warning: filename not fully qualified: bmp\nllogo.bmp

nllogo is still in trunk\arc\ipf\bmp directory where the "svn checkout" put it.

The consequence of this is that various pages in the the inf and hlp files display the "missing icon" icon instead of the proper icon.

#20 Andreas Schnellbacher Andreas Schnellbacher fixed Simplify basic config switching

All highly configurable editors have one problem: If one has changed a setting (by mistake or for testing) it's hard to remember where it can be changed back. Therefore there should be added an option to switch between some basic configurations via one click.

Following items make sense:

1. User, CUA

   -  Modes   -> [ ] Matchchars
   -  Modes   -> [ ] Balance
   -  Modes   -> [ ] Syntax expnasion
   -  Keys    -> [x] Stream mode
   -  Keys    -> [ ] Block ... (3 items)
   -  Keys    ->     Keyset additions: [cuakeys]
   -  Marking -> [ ] Advanced marking
   -  Marking ->     Default paste: [char]
   -  Marking -> [ ] Sh-mark always extends mark
   -  Marking ->     Default mouse mark: [char]
   -  Marking -> [x] Drag always marks
   -  Cursor  -> [ ] Allow cursor everywhere

2. Programmer, CUA (default)

   -  Modes   -> [x] Matchchars
   -  Modes   -> [x] Balance
   -  Modes   -> [x] Syntax expnasion
   -  Keys    -> [x] Stream mode
   -  Keys    -> [x] Block ... (3 items)
   -  Keys    ->     Keyset additions: [cuakeys]
   -  Marking -> [x] Advanced marking
   -  Marking ->     Default paste: [char]
   -  Marking -> [ ] Sh-mark always extends mark
   -  Marking ->     Default mouse mark: [char]
   -  Marking -> [x] Drag always marks
   -  Cursor  -> [x] Allow cursor everywhere

3. Programmer, Standard EPM

   -  Modes   -> [x] Matchchars
   -  Modes   -> [x] Balance
   -  Modes   -> [x] Syntax expnasion
   -  Keys    -> [ ] Stream mode
   -  Keys    -> [x] Block ... (3 items)
   -  Keys    ->     Keyset additions: [-none-]
   -  Marking -> [x] Advanced marking
   -  Marking ->     Default paste: [block]
   -  Marking -> [x] Sh-mark always extends mark
   -  Marking ->     Default mouse mark: [block]
   -  Marking -> [x] Drag always marks
   -  Cursor  -> [x] Allow cursor everywhere
#23 Andreas Schnellbacher Andreas Schnellbacher fixed Default values were not written to NEPMD.INI

After installation of NEPMD the EPM doesn't start with NEPMD settings. In contrast, the NEPMD program object 'Standard EPM' starts.

Renaming myepmd\bin\NEPMD.INI is a workaround for that. A new one is created on the next EPM start. The malfunctioning NEPMD.INI contains the entry:

RegDefaults -> \NEPMD\User\MovedUserFiles

while the correct temporary entry would be:

Install -> \NEPMD\User\MovedUserFiles

That explains why the RegDefaults? application wasn't written. It already contains (wrong) data. As a result, EPM won't start.

Additionally, that temporary entry is normally only written if the install script has copied previous files to a backup directory. The backup directory exists with the files etke603.dll and copydll.cmd. Normally they were deleted afterwards.

It seems as if patching etke603.dll to apply the NEPMD colors has failed at the end.

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