Custom Query (31 matches)


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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#14 Andreas Schnellbacher Andreas Schnellbacher fixed Several mode improvements

For several modes the config files should be extended.

That includes some additions by Greg Jarvis and the PHP keywords available from Hobbes.

Note: This item is about mode keywords only. More changes like the ones that Greg added in his version will be handled by another bug.

#15 Andreas Schnellbacher Andreas Schnellbacher fixed Implement Greg's mode recognition

Greg Jarvis changed the previous NEPMD mode recognition to add the following:

o recognize Unix shebang o fully configurable mode detection o ...

Unfortunately the provided code has at least one severe bug, that I'm not able to debug in shortness. That might be the reason that Greg had problems to get it implemented for some modes in the past. Moreover, it would lead to a much slower mode detection as it was before. The method before was also far from being optimal (e.g. mode files were read at every file load or settings were written at every load or every load causes the mode config files being read twice).

OTOH, I would like to have that implemented.

#17 Andreas Schnellbacher jbs fixed Fix the infinite loop in kwhelp.e (when env var and inf file names match)

if there is an environment variable whose name matches the name of one of the INF files it references, like: SET REXX=REXX+JSRXUTIL where the first REXX is the name of an environment variable and the second is the name of an INF file, then kwhelp gets stuck in an infinite loop "thinking" both "REXX"'s are environment variable names.

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