call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'REXXUTIL', 'SysLoadFuncs' call SysLoadFuncs langs = "EN,FR,DE,NL,ES,SV" lang = translate(left(strip(value("LANG",,"OS2ENVIRONMENT")),2)) if pos(lang,langs) = 0 then lang = 'EN' rc =WirexxPutEnv('prog','Lucide') rc =WirexxPutEnv('brand','eCS (OS/2)') select when lang = 'FR' then do rc =WirexxPutEnv('title','Lucide - Afficheur de document') rc =WirexxPutEnv('plug_pdf','Lucide PDF plugin') rc =WirexxPutEnv('plug_djvu','Lucide DjVu plugin') rc =WirexxPutEnv('plug_jpeg','Lucide JPEG plugin') rc =WirexxPutEnv('welcome','Bienvenue dans l''installation du ') rc =WirexxPutEnv('accept','Veuillez prendre connaissance et accepter l''accord de licence suivant.') rc =WirexxPutEnv('target','Veuillez s‚lectionner le dossier de destination') rc =WirexxPutEnv('re_install','Si vous effectuez une mise … jour de SearchPlus, le dossier d''installation par d‚faut sera celui actuellement utilis‚ par l''ancienne version.') rc =WirexxPutEnv('ready','Veuillez confirmer les options d''installation.') rc =WirexxPutEnv('scfind','Modifications du fichier CONFIG.SYS pr‚vues: param‚trage de la variable SCFINDUTILITY … SearchPlus.exe pour en faire le programme de recherche du systŠme par d‚faut. Ces modifications n‚cessiteront un red‚marrage.') rc =WirexxPutEnv('over_write','Veuillez s‚lectionner de maniŠre … ‚craser tout fichier existant.') rc =WirexxPutEnv('install','~Install') rc =WirexxPutEnv('license','~J''accepte') rc =WirexxPutEnv('next','~Suivant') rc =WirexxPutEnv('fr_sel','SELECT DESELECT') rc =WirexxPutEnv('nextText','Select "Suivant" to continue.') rc =WirexxPutEnv('cancelText','Select "Cancel" to abort installation.') rc =WirexxPutEnv('installText','Press "Install" in order to start installation of this archive.') end when lang = 'DE' then do rc =WirexxPutEnv('title','Lucide - Dokumentenbetrachter') rc =WirexxPutEnv('plug_pdf','Lucide PDF plugin') rc =WirexxPutEnv('plug_djvu','Lucide DjVu plugin') rc =WirexxPutEnv('plug_jpeg','Lucide JPEG plugin') rc =WirexxPutEnv('welcome','Willkommen zur Installation des ') rc =WirexxPutEnv('accept','Bitte lesen Sie den folgenden Text und akzeptieren Sie die Lizenzvereinbarung.') rc =WirexxPutEnv('target','W„hlen Sie bitte das Zielverzeichnis.') rc =WirexxPutEnv('re_install','Wenn dies ein Update ist, dann ist das Installationsverzeichnis das aktuelle Verzeichnis des Plugins.') rc =WirexxPutEnv('install','~Installieren') rc =WirexxPutEnv('license','St~imme zu') rc =WirexxPutEnv('next','W~eiter') rc =WirexxPutEnv('de_sel','SELECT DESELECT') rc =WirexxPutEnv('nextText','Zum Fortfahren "Weiter" ausw„hlen.') rc =WirexxPutEnv('cancelText','Zum Abbrechen "Cancel" ausw„hlen.') rc =WirexxPutEnv('installText','Bitte "Installieren" ausw„hlen, um die Installation des Archivs zu starten.') end when lang = 'NL' then do rc =WirexxPutEnv('title','Lucide - Document Bekijker') rc =WirexxPutEnv('plug_pdf','Lucide PDF plugin') rc =WirexxPutEnv('plug_djvu','Lucide DjVu plugin') rc =WirexxPutEnv('plug_jpeg','Lucide JPEG plugin') rc =WirexxPutEnv('welcome','Welcome to the installation of ') rc =WirexxPutEnv('accept','Please read and accept the following license-agreement.') rc =WirexxPutEnv('target','Please select target directory.') rc =WirexxPutEnv('re_install','If you are updating the Lucide for NetDrive, the default installation directory will be the current directory.') rc =WirexxPutEnv('install','~Install') rc =WirexxPutEnv('license','I ~accept') rc =WirexxPutEnv('next','~Next') rc =WirexxPutEnv('nl_sel','SELECT DESELECT') rc =WirexxPutEnv('nextText','Select "Next" to continue.') rc =WirexxPutEnv('cancelText','Select "Cancel" to abort installation.') rc =WirexxPutEnv('installText','Press "Install" in order to start installation of this archive.') end when lang = 'ES' Then Do rc =WirexxPutEnv('title','Lucide - Visor de documentos') rc =WirexxPutEnv('plug_pdf','Plugin PDF para Lucide') rc =WirexxPutEnv('plug_djvu','Plugin DjVu para Lucide') rc =WirexxPutEnv('plug_jpeg','Plugin JPEG para Lucide') rc =WirexxPutEnv('welcome','Welcome to the installation of ') rc =WirexxPutEnv('accept','Please read and accept the following license-agreement.') rc =WirexxPutEnv('target','Please select target directory.') rc =WirexxPutEnv('re_install','If you are updating the Lucide for NetDrive, the default installation directory will be the current directory.') rc =WirexxPutEnv('install','~Install') rc =WirexxPutEnv('license','I ~accept') rc =WirexxPutEnv('next','~Next') rc =WirexxPutEnv('es_sel','SELECT DESELECT') rc =WirexxPutEnv('nextText','Select "Next" to continue.') rc =WirexxPutEnv('cancelText','Select "Cancel" to abort installation.') rc =WirexxPutEnv('installText','Press "Install" in order to start installation of this archive.') end when lang = 'SV' Then Do rc =WirexxPutEnv('title','Lucide - Dokumentvisare') rc =WirexxPutEnv('plug_pdf','Lucide PDF plugin') rc =WirexxPutEnv('plug_djvu','Lucide DjVu plugin') rc =WirexxPutEnv('plug_jpeg','Lucide JPEG plugin') rc =WirexxPutEnv('welcome','Welcome to the installation of ') rc =WirexxPutEnv('accept','Please read and accept the following license-agreement.') rc =WirexxPutEnv('target','Please select target directory.') rc =WirexxPutEnv('re_install','If you are updating the Lucide for NetDrive, the default installation directory will be the current directory.') rc =WirexxPutEnv('install','~Install') rc =WirexxPutEnv('license','I ~accept') rc =WirexxPutEnv('next','~Next') rc =WirexxPutEnv('sv_sel','SELECT DESELECT') rc =WirexxPutEnv('nextText','Select "Next" to continue.') rc =WirexxPutEnv('cancelText','Select "Cancel" to abort installation.') rc =WirexxPutEnv('installText','Press "Install" in order to start installation of this archive.') end otherwise do rc =WirexxPutEnv('title','Lucide - Document Viewer') rc =WirexxPutEnv('plug_pdf','Lucide PDF plugin') rc =WirexxPutEnv('plug_djvu','Lucide DjVu plugin') rc =WirexxPutEnv('plug_jpeg','Lucide JPEG plugin') rc =WirexxPutEnv('welcome','Welcome to the installation of the Lucide for NetDrive!') rc =WirexxPutEnv('accept','Please read and accept the following license-agreement.') rc =WirexxPutEnv('target','Please select target directory.') rc =WirexxPutEnv('re_install','If you are updating the Lucide for NetDrive, the default installation directory will be the current directory.') rc =WirexxPutEnv('install','~Install') rc =WirexxPutEnv('license','I ~accept') rc =WirexxPutEnv('next','~Next') rc =WirexxPutEnv('en_sel','SELECT DESELECT') rc =WirexxPutEnv('nextText','Select "Next" to continue.') rc =WirexxPutEnv('cancelText','Select "Cancel" to abort installation.') rc =WirexxPutEnv('installText','Press "Install" in order to start installation of this archive.') end end return '' Parse Arg subject . Return WirexxGetEnv(subject) ans = WirexxShowMessage(WirexxGetEnv('title'),'Make Lucide the default program for PDF files?',4) If ans = 6 Then Do /* clear any previous associations */ Call SysIni 'USER','PMWP_ASSOC_FILTER','*.PDF','DELETE:' Call SysIni 'USER','PMWP_ASSOC_FILTER','*PDF','DELETE:' Call SysIni 'USER','PMWP_ASSOC_TYPE','Acrobat Document','DELETE:' Call SysIni 'USER','PMWP_ASSOC_TYPE','Adobe Portable Document Format','DELETE:' End Return '' readme = "readme.txt" return readme =("get_env title") =("get_env title"). =("get_env plug_pdf") =("get_env plug_djvu") =("get_env plug_jpeg") English Francais Deutsch Dutch Espanol Sverige =("get_env next") =("get_env nextText") =("get_env cancelText") =("get_env welcome")=("get_env title"), version ${VERSION}.${WPIBUILD}

=("get_env prog") is a plugin based document viewer for eComStation. In its first incarnation it supports PDF, DjVu and JPEG files but new document types can easily be added to it.


  • PDF, DjVu and JPEG Support
  • Drag and Drop Support
  • Fast and small

For further details please visit the =("get_env prog") project homepage:
=("get_env next") The following list describes what is new in this version of =("get_env prog"). changelog =("get_env license") =("get_env accept") LICENSE

Starting with version 1.3.0 Mensys BV and Serenity Systems International have agreed in opensourcing Lucide, while still investing in the product. would like to express it's gratitude toward Mensys BV and Serenity Systems International.

Lucide as of version 1.3.0 is released and distributed under CDDL/LGPL.

The plugins are released under CDDL/LGPL or GPL, depending on the plugin. See for more information and source code.

=("get_env next") =("get_env target") =("get_env next") Please select additional configuration that WarpIN should perform after installing this archive. =("get_env install") =("get_env installText")