## @file # Global Project Configuration File # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Global definitions #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Lucide version string # VERSION = 1.30 beta1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Common libraries referenced by components #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # poppler # LIB_POPPLER_LIBS = $(patsubst %,$(PATH_LIB)/%$(SUFF_LIB), \ fofi goo poppler splash fontconfig freetype2 jpeg) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # General Stuff #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Lucide C Compiler template # TEMPLATE_LucideC = Lucide C Compiler TEMPLATE_LucideC_TOOL = GCC3OMF TEMPLATE_LucideC_CFLAGS = TEMPLATE_LucideC_DEFS = OS2 # # Lucide C++ Compiler template # TEMPLATE_LucideCxx = Lucide C++ Compiler TEMPLATE_LucideCxx_TOOL = GXX3OMF TEMPLATE_LucideCxx_CXXFLAGS = TEMPLATE_LucideCxx_DEFS = OS2 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # GCC Stuff #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Add RC support to GXX3OMF and GCC3OMF # (@todo create a new tool as extension to reuse the existing LINK commands) # TOOL_GXX3OMF_RC ?= rc$(HOST_SUFF_EXE) TOOL_GXX3OMF_RCOBJSUFF ?= .res TOOL_GXX3OMF_COMPILE_RC_DEPEND = TOOL_GXX3OMF_COMPILE_RC_DEPORD = TOOL_GXX3OMF_COMPILE_RC_OUTPUT = TOOL_GXX3OMF_COMPILE_RC_OUTPUT_MAYBE = define TOOL_GXX3OMF_COMPILE_RC_CMDS $(QUIET)cd $(subst /,\\,$(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(source)))) && \ $(TOOL_GXX3OMF_RC) -n -r \ $(flags) \ $(addprefix -i ,$(incs)) \ $(addprefix -D,$(defs)) \ $(source) $(obj) endef override define TOOL_GXX3OMF_LINK_DLL_CMDS $(QUIET)$(APPEND) -n $(outbase).rsp\ $(TOOL_GXX3OMF_LDFLAGS.dll)\ $(flags)\ -o $(out)\ $(filter-out %.res,$(objs))\ $(foreach p,$(libpath), -L$(p))\ $(othersrc)\ $(foreach lib,$(libs), $(if $(findstring $(lib),$(subst /,x,$(lib))), -l$(patsubst lib%,%,$(lib)), $(lib)))\ -Zmap=$(outbase).map $(QUIET)$(TOOL_GXX3OMF_LD) @$(outbase).rsp $(if $(filter %.res,$(objs)), \ $(QUIET)$(TOOL_GXX3OMF_RC) $(filter %.res,$(objs)) $(out)) endef override define TOOL_GXX3OMF_LINK_PROGRAM_CMDS $(QUIET)$(APPEND) -n $(outbase).rsp\ $(flags)\ -o $(out)\ $(filter-out %.res,$(objs))\ $(foreach p,$(libpath), -L$(p))\ $(othersrc)\ $(foreach lib,$(libs), $(if $(findstring $(lib),$(subst /,x,$(lib))), -l$(patsubst lib%,%,$(lib)), $(lib)))\ -Zmap=$(outbase).map $(QUIET)$(TOOL_GXX3OMF_LD) @$(outbase).rsp $(if $(filter %.res,$(objs)), \ $(QUIET)$(TOOL_GXX3OMF_RC) $(filter %.res,$(objs)) $(out)) endef TOOL_GCC3OMF_RC ?= $(TOOL_GXX3OMF_RC) TOOL_GCC3OMF_RCOBJSUFF ?= $(TOOL_GXX3OMF_RCOBJSUFF) TOOL_GCC3OMF_COMPILE_RC_DEPEND = $(TOOL_GXX3OMF_COMPILE_RC_DEPEND) TOOL_GCC3OMF_COMPILE_RC_DEPORD = $(TOOL_GXX3OMF_COMPILE_RC_DEPORD) TOOL_GCC3OMF_COMPILE_RC_OUTPUT = $(TOOL_GXX3OMF_COMPILE_RC_OUTPUT) TOOL_GCC3OMF_COMPILE_RC_OUTPUT_MAYBE = $(TOOL_GXX3OMF_COMPILE_RC_OUTPUT_MAYBE) TOOL_GCC3OMF_COMPILE_RC_CMDS = $(TOOL_GXX3OMF_COMPILE_RC_CMDS) override define TOOL_GCC3OMF_LINK_DLL_CMDS $(QUIET)$(APPEND) -n $(outbase).rsp\ $(TOOL_GCC3OMF_LDFLAGS.dll)\ $(flags)\ -o $(out)\ $(filter-out %.res,$(objs))\ $(foreach p,$(libpath), -L$(p))\ $(othersrc)\ $(foreach lib,$(libs), $(if $(findstring $(lib),$(subst /,x,$(lib))), -l$(patsubst lib%,%,$(lib)), $(lib)))\ -Zmap=$(outbase).map $(QUIET)$(TOOL_GCC3OMF_LD) @$(outbase).rsp $(if $(filter %.res,$(objs)), \ $(QUIET)$(TOOL_GCC3OMF_RC) $(filter %.res,$(objs)) $(out)) endef override define TOOL_GCC3OMF_LINK_PROGRAM_CMDS $(QUIET)$(APPEND) -n $(outbase).rsp\ $(flags)\ -o $(out)\ $(filter-out %.res,$(objs))\ $(foreach p,$(libpath), -L$(p))\ $(othersrc)\ $(foreach lib,$(libs), $(if $(findstring $(lib),$(subst /,x,$(lib))), -l$(patsubst lib%,%,$(lib)), $(lib)))\ -Zmap=$(outbase).map $(QUIET)$(TOOL_GCC3OMF_LD) @$(outbase).rsp $(if $(filter %.res,$(objs)), \ $(QUIET)$(TOOL_GCC3OMF_RC) $(filter %.res,$(objs)) $(out)) endef #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SOM Stuff #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Paths: SOM SDK PATH_SDK_SOM ?= D:/Dev/OS2TK45/som ifeq ($(PATH_SDK_SOM),) $(error PATH_SDK_SOM is not set!) endif PATH_SDK_SOM_INCS ?= $(PATH_SDK_SOM)/include PATH_SDK_SOM_LIBPATH ?= $(PATH_SDK_SOM)/lib # Paths: SOM Tool PATH_TOOL_SOM_BIN ?= $(PATH_SDK_SOM)/bin # # SOM SDK # SDK_SOM := System Object Model Toolkit SDK_SOM_INCS ?= $(PATH_SDK_SOM_INCS) SDK_SOM_LIBPATH ?= $(PATH_SDK_SOM_LIBPATH) SDK_SOM_LIBS ?= somtk # # SOM Tool # # Notes: A valud value of the -s option must always be specified in IDLFLAGS; # the output of the first emitter is taken as the main output file and will be # sent to the compiler. All generated output go to $(dir $(outbase)) except the # output files ecplicitly listed in $(target)_IDLSOURCES which stay where they # are. # TOOL_SOM := System Object Model Tooklit TOOL_SOM_IDL ?= $(PATH_TOOL_SOM_BIN)/sc$(HOST_SUFF_EXE) TOOL_SOM_IDLFLAGS ?= TOOL_SOM_IDL_OUTPUT = $(addprefix $(outbase).,$(wordlist 2,1000,$(TOOL_SOM_IDL_EMITTERS))) TOOL_SOM_IDL_OUTPUT_MAYBE = TOOL_SOM_IDL_DEPEND = TOOL_SOM_IDL_DEPORD = # IDL-specific properties TOOL_SOM_IDL_OUT = $(outbase).$(if $(filter xc,$(firstword $(TOOL_SOM_IDL_EMITTERS))),cpp,$(firstword $(TOOL_SOM_IDL_EMITTERS))) # SOM-specific properties TOOL_SOM_IDL_EMITTERS = $(subst ;, ,$(patsubst -s"%",%,$(filter -s"%",$(flags)))) ## Compile an IDL file. # # @param $(target) Normalized main target name. # @param $(source) Source filename (relative). # @param $(out) Object file name. This shall be (re)created by the compilation. # @param $(dep) Dependcy file. This may be (re)created by the compilation. # @param $(flags) Flags. # @param $(defs) Definitions. # @param $(incs) Includes. # @param $(outbase) Output basename (full). Use this for list files and such. # define TOOL_SOM_IDL_CMDS $(QUIET)$(TOOL_SOM_IDL) $(flags) \ $(addprefix -I, $(incs)) \ $(addprefix -D, $(defs)) \ -d $(dir $(outbase)) $(source) endef # # SOM Unit # # Add our target properties PROPS_TOOLS += IDLTOOL PROPS_SINGLE += IDLTOOL PROPS_ACCUMULATE_R += IDLFLAGS # Add ourselves to the default source handlers KBUILD_SRC_HANDLERS += \ .idl:def_src_handler_idl_idl # wrapper the compile command dependency check. ifndef NO_COMPILE_CMDS_DEPS _UNIT_SOM_IDL_CMDS_DEP = $$(comp-cmds-ex $$($(target)_$(subst :,_,$(source))_SOM_IDL_CMDS_PREV_),$$(commands $(out)),FORCE) else _UNIT_SOM_IDL_CMDS_DEP = endif ## # Generates the rules for running IDL comiler on a specific source file. # # @param lots # define def_idl_rule $(out) + $(output) +| $(output_maybe) : \ $(deps) \ $(value _UNIT_SOM_IDL_CMDS_DEP) \ | \ $(orderdeps) %$$(call MSG_COMPILE,$(target),$(source),$$@,$(type)) $$(QUIET)$$(RM) -f -- $(dep) $(out) $(output) $(output_maybe) $(foreach f,$(out) $(output) $(output_maybe),\ $(if $(findstring $(notdir $f),$(notdir $($(target)_IDLSOURCES))),\ $$(QUIET)$(CP) --ignore-non-existing $(filter %$(notdir $f),$($(target)_IDLSOURCES)) $f)) $(cmds) $(foreach f,$(out) $(output) $(output_maybe),\ $(if $(findstring $(notdir $f),$(notdir $($(target)_IDLSOURCES))),\ $$(QUIET)$(CP) --changed $f $(filter %$(notdir $f),$($(target)_IDLSOURCES)))) ifndef NO_COMPILE_CMDS_DEPS %$$(QUIET2)$$(APPEND) '$(dep)' %$$(QUIET2)$$(APPEND) '$(dep)' 'define $(target)_$(subst :,_,$(source))_SOM_IDL_CMDS_PREV_' %$$(QUIET2)$$(APPEND) -c '$(dep)' '$(out)' %$$(QUIET2)$$(APPEND) '$(dep)' 'endef' endif # if the generated file is listed in IDLSOURCES, add it to _GEN_SOURCES_ from # there (we did a copy trick for it), otherwise add it only of it's $(out) $(foreach f,$(out) $(output) $(output_maybe),\ $(if $(findstring $(notdir $f),$(notdir $($(target)_IDLSOURCES))),\ $(eval $(target)_GEN_SOURCES_ += $(filter %$(notdir $f),$($(target)_IDLSOURCES))),\ $(if $(findstring $f,$(out)),$(eval $(target)_GEN_SOURCES_ += $f)))) # update globals and target properties. _OUT_FILES += $(out) $(output) $(output_maybe) #$(target)_GEN_SOURCES_ += $(out) $(target)_INTERMEDIATES += $(intermediates) endef # def_idl_rule ## # Handler for .idl files listed in the SOURCES properties. # # .idl files are transformed into C/C++ header files and maybe to source files # compiled by the compiler. # # @param target The target file. # @param source The source file. # @param lots more # @returns quite a bit. # define def_src_handler_idl_idl local type := IDL # Figure out all the props. local tool := $(kb-src-tool dummy_var) ifeq ($(tool),) $(error kBuild: $(target) / $(sources) does not have IDLTOOL defined!) endif ifndef TOOL_$(tool)_IDL_CMDS $(error kBuild: TOOL_$(tool)_IDL_CMDS isn't defined! target=$(target) source=$(source)) endif local outbase := $(kb-obj-base outbase) local flags := $(kb-src-prop IDLFLAGS,dummy_var,left-to-right,) # rest depends on flags local out := $(TOOL_$(tool)_IDL_OUT) ifeq ($(out),) $(error kBuild: TOOL_$(tool)_IDL_OUT isn't defined! target=$(target) source=$(source)) endif local incs := $(kb-src-prop INCS,dummy_var,left-to-right,$(defpath)) local defs := $(kb-src-prop DEFS,dummy_var,left-to-right,) local deps := $(kb-src-prop DEPS,dummy_var,left-to-right,$(defpath)) local orderdeps := $(call DIRDEP,$(dir $(outbase))) $(kb-src-prop ORDERDEPS,dummy_var,left-to-right) # default path + source dep. ifneq ($(defpath),) local source := $(abspathex $(source),$(defpath)) endif local deps += $(source) # dependency file. local dep := $(out)$(SUFF_DEP) ifndef NO_COMPILE_CMDS_DEPS _DEPFILES_INCLUDED += $(dep) $(eval includedep $(dep)) endif # Call the tool. local cmds := $(TOOL_$(tool)_IDL_CMDS) local output := $(TOOL_$(tool)_IDL_OUTPUT) local output_maybe := $(TOOL_$(tool)_IDL_OUTPUT_MAYBE) local deps += $(TOOL_$(tool)_IDL_DEPEND) local orderdeps += $(TOOL_$(tool)_IDL_DEPORD) # Whether it generates a header file depends on flags. local intermediates := $(filter %.xh %.xih,$(output)) # Let the target include the generated files. $(target)_INCS += $(dir $(outbase)) # Generate the rule. $(eval $(def_idl_rule)) endef # def_src_handler_idl_idl # # Lucide SOM class DLL template # TEMPLATE_SomDll = Lucide SOM class DLL TEMPLATE_SomDll_EXTENDS = LucideCxx TEMPLATE_SomDll_EXTENDS_BY = appending TEMPLATE_SomDll_CXXFLAGS = -Wno-write-strings # SOM compiler is loose here TEMPLATE_SomDll_DEFS = SOMLINK=_System TEMPLATE_SomDll_SDKS = SOM TEMPLATE_SomDll_IDLTOOL = SOM TEMPLATE_SomDll_IDLFLAGS = -c -s"xc;xh;xih" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Other Stuff #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Include a site-specific config for local overrides # ifndef LOCALCFG LOCALCFG := $(wildcard $(PATH_ROOT)/LocalConfig.kmk) ifneq ($(LOCALCFG),) include $(LOCALCFG) endif endif