Opened 13 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#155 closed task (invalid)

Association with java.exe or javaw.exe causes unexcpected troubles

Reported by: melf Owned by: Batchheizer
Priority: Feedback Pending Milestone:
Component: general Version: 1.6.0-b22 GA
Severity: very low Keywords:


If *.jar -files are associated with java.exe or javaw.exe and a java program is started by double clicking some strange things happen. E.g Frostwire launches well but can't connect to internet. However using java -jar frostwire.jar makes it work. A cmd-file with the same expression works as well.

There are also effects on other programs. Vbox, ecomarket, pmmaps don't launch. Pdf-merge launch an error message. They work again after reboot. PM123 launch an error message,and no new files can be loaded. However last loaded file can be "played", it isn't played but saved as *.wav. Turns out that the DART-plugin has "popped out". It can be reinserted only after a reboot. Those effects do not happen if a java program is run by commandline or a cmd-file.

It should be said that the installed java is a wpi-pack from hobbes, but the content of openjdk is identical with build 22GA, except for an icon (java.ico). There are no additional entries in config.sys except for the SET JAVA_HOME=C:\openjdk6\ statement. The program object parameter is initially set to -jar %F , but the effect is the same for just -jar .

The behaviour has been confirmed by another person, see this thread in forum,4460.msg22284.html#msg22284 .

Change History (7)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by Batchheizer

Because I'm the creator of the WPI, I'm interested why this conflicts appear. I can confirm the problems after starting a JAVA-APP. via double-clicking on a JAR: PM123 makes troubles, PMMAP and ECOMARKET (and DVD-Toys) cannot be started. Maybe problems with the new FOC are related to this issue. Maybe it is related to the eco-runtime. Here is the line from the WPI for the WPS_object:


What could be wrong?

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by Silvan Scherrer

as a first step, get rid of FOC eco-runtime and all those stuff and see if it's still there. f it's gone you know the problematic one.
as a second try use the rpm version and create a wps obj. and see if this behaves the same.

comment:3 in reply to:  2 Changed 13 years ago by melf

Replying to diver:

as a first step, get rid of FOC eco-runtime and all those stuff and see if it's still there. f it's gone you know the problematic one.
as a second try use the rpm version and create a wps obj. and see if this behaves the same.

Getting rid of FOC doesn't change anything. However, deinstalling the wpi-packag, installing the zip-package from this site and then make my own java object, -jar parameter, (and associate it with jar-files)make things work. No problem with any other program. So, as the openjdk folder is identical the problem has to be in the object created by wpi?

Version 0, edited 13 years ago by melf (next)

comment:4 Changed 13 years ago by Silvan Scherrer

Milestone: Enhanced
Owner: set to Batchheizer
Priority: majorFeedback Pending
Severity: mediumvery low
Status: newassigned
Type: defecttask

as this seems to be a wpi only problem i changed some ticket properties. i hope Oliver will take care on that.

comment:5 in reply to:  4 Changed 13 years ago by Batchheizer

Replying to diver:

as this seems to be a wpi only problem i changed some ticket properties. i hope Oliver will take care on that.

I removed


from WPS-Object (via DragText?). Now FOC and PM-MAps runs fine after closing a JAVA-App. JAVA-Apps also start fine without these settings. Can some people reproduce this? Are all problems gone after removing these settings (Environment) from the WPS-Objects?

comment:6 Changed 12 years ago by abwillis

beginlibpath cannot be set from the environment tab... I don't think trying to should cause the issue you see but there is no reason to have it there (beginlibpath is not truly an environment variable in the typical sense as I understand the reason it doesn't do anything there).

comment:7 Changed 12 years ago by Silvan Scherrer

Resolution: invalid
Status: assignedclosed

either fixed or on one is interested anymore in that ticket. and as it doesn't belong to our distribution i close it.

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