A preview of CUPS 1.2.6 (www.cups.org) + ESP Ghostscript 8.15.3 (http://www.cups.org/espgs/) + Gutenprint 5.0.0 (http://gimp-print.sourceforge.net/) is now available at http://download.smedley.info/cups-1.2.6-os2-a1.zip Some notes on the release follow: Built using Innotek GCC v3.3.5 CSD1 version and requires the runtime dll from ftp://ftp.netlabs.org/pub/gcc/libc-0.6.1-csd1.zip Known issues: * adding printer using the web interface doesn't work - it hangs trying to detect the attached printers. Adding a printer from the command line using lpadmin does however work. * currently tested printer backends are ipp & lpd - usb isn't working. However, in the meantime, you can create a printer object for the USB printer, and run the OS/2 lpd daemon and print to a usb printer using the lpd backend in cups. * cups and associated programs are hardcoded to be in \gs, \gutenprint & \cups * to reduce the size of the archive, only en_GB language Gutenprint ppd files are included ------------- What to test: Start the daemon (ie \cups\sbin\cupsd.exe - no command line parameters required) Make sure libcups.dll is available in the libpath Add a printer using the syntax: 1. \cups\sbin\lpadmin -p laserjet4mps -E -v lpd:// (Postscript printer called lsaerjet4mps, on LPD server at 2) \cups\sbin\lpadmin -p EpsonC87 -E -v lpd:// -m gutenprint/5.0/en_gb/stp-escp2-c86.5.0.ppd.gz (Raster printer called EpsonC87 on lpd server, queue name EPOMNI5C, postscript ppd to use located in /cups/share/cups/model/gutenprint/5.0/en_GB/stp-escp2-c86.5.0.ppd.gz Verify printer has been added by loading the web interface in a browser with http://localhost:631 - look at the Printers button to see the printer and set any options (ie paper size, etc). Try and print an image using \cups\bin\lpr -P filename.jpg -o fitplot Try and print the cups test page using \cups\bin\lpr -P \cups\share\cups\data\testprint.ps -------------- General feedback can be provided to paul@smedley.info, bug reports should go to http://mantis.smedley.info Many thanks to Bart van Leeuwen and Adrain Gschwend for providing encouragement for this project (ie nagging me on IRC!) If you like this software and want to support continued ports, please consider donating via PayPal via the link at http://smedley.info/os2ports, or via the Mensys online store at http://www.mensys.net/os2ports