[[PageOutline]] = Welcome to the ACPI Project on Netlabs = This is the development and support home for ACPI Project. This page is in v0.0.1 format. Many of the links on this page do not yet go anywhere useful. This will get better over time. The current ACPI driver release is [milestone:"Release version 3.18" version 3.18]. The next ACPI version release milestone is [milestone:"Release version 3.19"]. == Submitting Tickets == You must be logged into TRAC to create tickets. Please login with your Netlabs login id. If you do not have a login id, you can request one at http://www.netlabs.org/en/site/member/member.xml. If you have troubles acquiring a Netlabs login id send an e-mail to {{{ #!html Netlabs Community Mailing List }}} If you have open tickets created with the guest login, please add a comment to the ticket showing your new login and we will update the ticket so that you automatically receive e-mail when your open tickets are updated. '''Before entering a ticket, please read [http://ecomstation.ru/projects/acpitools/?action=logs How to collect logs] and [TicketProcessingGuide ACPI Ticket Processing Guidelines].''' Collect the data that applies to your issue and include it with the ticket. === Milestones and Versions === When entering tickets, you will be asked to provide a version and a milestone. The [http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracTickets TRAC documentation] defines these terms as * Version - Version of the project that this ticket pertains to. * Milestone - When this issue should be resolved at the latest. For new tickets, the version will default to current ACPI version (i.e. 3.16). If you are reporting for some other version, please override the default. If you are opening the ticket for testcase release, please note the testcase version in the ticket summmary. The milestone will default to the next scheduled ACPI version release (i.e. 3.15). Genernally, once a ticket is opened, the version should not be changed. If the issue is not resolved, the milestone will be changed to reflect when the ticket is expected to be resolved. = Users = The [http://ru.ecomstation.ru/projects/acpitools/?action=faq ACPI FAQ] contains answers to your questions. See [UserGuide Getting the most from ACPI] for hints from the power users. The [http://en.ecomstation.ru/projects/acpitools/ ACPI Tools] page contains a wealth of information and links. Currently, [http://en.ecomstation.ru/projects/acpitools/?action=hardware ACPI Switches by System] is probably the best place to go to check if your motherboard or system is already supported by the ACPI driver. Eventually, this information will be integrated into the[http://en.ecomstation.ru/hardware.php?action=category§ion=mb Compatible Systems] database. The information will also be available sorted by [http://en.ecomstation.ru/hardware.php?action=category§ion=brand brand]. == Binaries == New releases and testcase builds are available from the eComStation !BetaZone. Log in to [http://shop.mensys.com Mensys] with your Mensys login id and click the Downloads link. Click the "Software Subscription Services for eComStation" Download link and the ACPI drivers should be listed. You can access the !BetaZone from your [www.ecomstation.com eComStation] login, but the ACPI download may not appear New releases are announced on the mailing list and elsewhere. == Mailing List == As you might have suspected, ACPI is a Netlabs project. The project URL is [wiki:/ ACPI] The support mailing list is at [mailto:acpi-dev@netlabs.org ACPI Mailing List] If you can't see the mailto link, you are not logged in. To subscribe to the mailing list, send a message to [mailto:acpi-dev-subscribe@netlabs.org Subscribe to ACPI Mailing List]. The subject and body can be empty. You will receive a response which you must reply to to complete the process. These lists are [http://www.ezmlm.org EzMLM] mailing lists. If you need help subscribing, see [http://wiki.netlabs.org/index.php/Mailinglists Netlabs Mailing Lists]. = Application / Driver Developers = A new toolkit will be released soon, with standardized functions and documentation. = ACPI Developers = == Getting the sources == In addition to [../browser browsing] the sources here, you can check out the [/repos/acpi sources] with your favorite subversion client. Keep in mind that, unlike [http://www.nongnu.org/cvs/ cvs], tags and branches are ordinary directories in subversion. With the typical subversion respository layout, it is rather easy to checkout more than you probably intend to. To pull just the trunk version, use something like {{{ mkdir acpi_workspace cd acpi_workspace svn checkout http://svn.netlabs.org/repos/acpi/trunk trunk }}} To update your workspace with the current repository content, use {{{ cd acpi_workspace\trunk svn update }}} Driver developers that wish to make their drivers ACPI compliant will find the [http://ecomstation.ru/projects/developer/?action=acpi ACPI toolkit] useful. == Building == Those interested in building the ACPI drivers or submitting source code updates should see [wiki:Building Building the ACPI Drivers][[BR]] [CodingGuide ACPI Developers Coding Guide][[BR]] [wiki:DevelopersFAQ ACPI Developers FAQ - coming soon][[BR]] == About ACPI == = Credits = * Pavel (pasha) Shtemenko * David Azarewicz * Steven Levine * Lars Erdmann If we forgot anyone, please let us know. It was unintentional.