1 |
2 | rem -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 | echo `@word[] and @words[] are smart enough to recognize a quoted string as one word--`
4 | set string=`one two "three four" five six`
5 | gosub ShowIt
6 | echo `But if the quoted string is the first word, @words[] returns the wrong count.`
7 | echo `Explicitly setting the word separator with '@words[" ",%string]'`
8 | echo `seems to work around the problem--`
9 | set string=`"one" two three four five six`
10 | gosub ShowIt
11 | echo `And it gets stranger. Just changing the capitalization changes the`
12 | echo `word count`
13 | set string=`"ONE" two three four five six`
14 | gosub ShowIt
15 | set string=`"One" two three four five six`
16 | gosub ShowIt
17 | echo `or try using numbers for words--`
18 | set string=`"one" 2 three four five six`
19 | gosub ShowIt
20 | set string=`"one" 2 3 4 5 6`
21 | gosub ShowIt
22 | echo `The @word[] function correctly identifies words in all cases,`
23 | echo `without needing to specify a word separator`
24 | quit
25 |
26 | :ShowIt
27 | echo ` the string is:`
28 | echo %string
29 | echo ` "@words[%string]" says there are `%@words[%string]` words in it`
30 | echo ` "@words[" ",%string]" says there are `%@words[" ",%string]` words in it`
31 | rem uncomment this if you want to see how @word parses the string
32 | rem do ctr = 0 to 20
33 | rem set aword=%@word[%ctr,%string]
34 | rem if "%aword" eq "" leave
35 | rem echo ` word `%ctr` is` %aword
36 | rem enddo
37 | rem echo ` which makes` %ctr `words`
38 | echo.
39 | return
40 | rem -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 |
42 |