== xWorkplace Releases == ||= '''Version 1.0.9''' =||= '''Language''' =||= '''Date''' =|| ||= 1.0.9 =|| [http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/download/pub/os2/apps/wps/xworkplace/xwp-1-0-9.zip English] ||2012/02/28 || ||= 1.0.9 =|| [http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/download/pub/os2/apps/wps/xworkplace/xwp-1-0-9-nls-nl.zip Dutch NLS] ||2012/02/28 || ||= 1.0.9 =|| [http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/download/pub/os2/apps/wps/xworkplace/xwp-1-0-9-nls-de.zip German NLS] ||2012/02/28 || == Documentation == ||'''Extending XWorkplace Presentation at Warpstock Europe 2002'''||[ftp://ftp.netlabs.org/pub/xworkplace/xwp-wse2002.zip Link] || ||= 2002 =|| This is the presentation of Martin Lafaix which was hold on Warpstock Europe 2002. It shows how XWorkplace can be extended in the future and shows some very promising features like XUL support and a generalized way to categorize plugins. So far StarOffice only presentation but a PDF version will follow. ||