Welcome to the Danis506 Project on Netlabs ¶
This is the development and support home for Danis506 Project.
The project includes Danis506.ADD, DaniATAPI.FLT and supporting programs.
If you see obvious errors, please correct them or discuss them with the project admins.
The current Danis506.ADD driver release is version 1.8.15.
The next Danis506.ADD version release milestone is version 1.8.16.
Submitting Tickets ¶
You must be logged into TRAC to create tickets. Please login with your Netlabs login id.
If you do not have a login id, you can request one at http://www.netlabs.org/en/site/member/member.xml.
If you have troubles acquiring a Netlabs login id send an e-mail to
Netlabs Community Mailing ListBefore entering a ticket, please read PROBLEM.TXT that came with your Danis506.ADD distribution.
Collect the data as instructed and attach it with the ticket.
To ensure you receive e-mail when there are updates to your ticket, check the CC checkbox.
Milestones and Versions ¶
When entering tickets, you will be asked to provide a version and a milestone.
The TRAC documentation defines these terms as
- Version - Version of the project that this ticket pertains to.
- Milestone - When this issue should be resolved at the latest.
For new tickets, the version will default to current Danis506.ADD version (i.e. 1.8.7). If you are reporting for some other version, please override the default. If you are opening the ticket for testcase release, please note the testcase version in the ticket summary.
The milestone will default to the next scheduled Danis506.ADD version release (i.e. 1.8.8).
Generally, once a ticket is opened, the version should not be changed. If the issue is not resolved, the milestone will be changed to reflect when the ticket is expected to be resolved.
Users ¶
You are at the right place if you are looking for support for Danis506.ADD or DaniATAPI.FLT.
Binaries ¶
New releases and betas are uploaded to ftp://ftp.netlabs.org/incoming or ftp://ftp.netlabs.org/incoming/xata and will move to ftp://ftp.netlabs.org/pub/xata.
The current release is usually available from hobbes and elsewhere.
New releases are announced at Netlabs news and elsewhere.
Developers ¶
Getting the sources ¶
In addition to browsing the sources here, you can check out the sources with your favorite subversion client.
Keep in mind that, unlike cvs, tags and branches are ordinary directories in subversion. With the typical subversion respository layout, it is rather easy to checkout more than you probably intend to. To pull just the trunk version, use something like
mkdir danis506_workspace cd danis506_workspace svn checkout http://svn.netlabs.org/repos/xata/ATA/trunk trunk
To update your workspace with the current repository content, use
cd dani506_workspace\trunk svn update
You can also uses the --depth=files option to control which files subversion will add to your workspace.
Building ¶
Those interested in building the Danis506 drivers or submitting source code updates should see
Building the Danis506 Drivers
Danis506 Developers Coding Guide - coming soon
Danis506 Developers FAQ - coming soon
About Danis506 ¶
Danis506.ADD and was originally written by Daniela Engert.
She has kindly released the source code under the GNU LGPL license and allowed us to take over maintenance and support.
I'm sure she would appreciate a Thank You note for her generosity.
Credits ¶
- Daniela Engert
- Steven Levine
- David Azarewicz
- Slavik Gnatenko
If we forgot anyone, please let us know. It was unintentional.