== Installing the SNAP Toolkit for use with WarpVision == Building he snaptv and snapov plugins requires access to some SNAP SDK headers and to n_ga.lib. You can follow the directions that come with the SNAP SDK and build the full toolkit. However, since only one library is required the following guide will get you there faster. Unzip the contents of * snap_sdk_3.1-!r23-os2.zip * snap_sdk_3.1-!r23-src.zip * snap_sdk_3.1-!r23-util.zip to a working directory preserving the paths. Edit start-sdk.cmd Add definitions for SCITECH and SCITECH_LIB. Mine are {{{ SET SCITECH=J:\sla_dev2\SDKs\snap SET SCITECH_LIB=J:\sla_dev2\SDKs\snap }}} Change the hardcoded references in {{{ call C:\SCITECH\bin-os2\set-vars.cmd set DEFPATH=%SCITECH%\redist\release;%DEFPATH% call C:\SCITECH\bin-os2\wc11-o32.cmd }}} to read {{{ call %SCITECH%\bin-os2\set-vars.cmd set DEFPATH=%SCITECH%\redist\release;%DEFPATH% call %SCITECH%\bin-os2\ow10-o32.cmd }}} This assumes you will be using OpenWatcom. REM out the statement {{{ cd %SCITECH%\EXAMPLES\SNAP\GRAPHICS }}} Edit bin-os2\set-vars.cmd Change the hardcoded paths in the following statements {{{ SET VA3_PATH=C:\C\IBMC30 SET WC10_PATH=C:\C\WC10 SET WC11_PATH=C:\C\WC11 SET OW10_PATH=C:\C\OW10 SET BC2_PATH=C:\C\BCOS2 SET EMX_PATH=C:\C\EMX SET VA365_PATH=C:\ibmcxxo SET OS2TK_PATH=C:\TOOLKIT }}} to point to your local paths. REM out or ignore unused items. Point the OW10_PATH variable to your OpenWatcom installation. Ow10-o32.cmd is sufficiently generic to be used with all the known OpenWatcom versions. Build n_ga.lib From the SNAP SDK root directory, run {{{ start-sdk.cmd cd src dmake targets\snap set CHECKED=1 start-sdk.cmd dmake -u targets\snap }}} This should build the both release and debug versions of n_ga.lib. The -u option forces a full rebuild.