{{{ REM Simple script for building WarpVision REM Send comments to: fbakan@gmx.net REM You should only need to edit the following 6 SETs (and trunk\makefile.inc) SET GCC_BASE=g:\dev\gcc\335csd1\usr SET ICC_BASE=o:\va365 SET WC_BASE=g:\wc SET SNAP_SDK_PATH=g:\scitech SET TARGET=trunk SET DESTINATION=o:\apps\wvown REM ! Be shure you have created DESTINATION manually REM ! before you this script SET INCLUDE=.;%INCLUDE% call %GCC_BASE%\bin\gccenv.cmd SET C_INCLUDE_PATH=%GCC_BASE%\INCLUDE call %ICC_BASE%\bin\SETENV.CMD cd %TARGET%\gui call nmake cd ..\plugins nmake call %WC_BASE%\setvars.cmd call %SNAP_SDK_PATH%\start-sdk.cmd cd tv wmake cd ..\snapov wmake cd .. md %DESTINATION%\plugins 2>NUL copy *.dll %DESTINATION%\plugins copy snapov\*.dll %DESTINATION%\plugins copy tv\*.dll %DESTINATION%\plugins cd .. copy gui\*.exe %DESTINATION% copy gui\*.dll %DESTINATION% copy liba52\liba52.dll %DESTINATION% md %DESTINATION%\skin 2>NUL copy gui\skin\* %DESTINATION%\skin }}}