Custom Query (101 matches)


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Results (85 - 87 of 101)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#121 vladest ydario fixed Using SNAP Zoom provides wrong display of movie

Using snap Zoom to magnify the screen, makes WV to display a wrong movie, like every line is shifted right a few pixels. Restoring normal resolution shows again the correct movie.

#122 vladest ydario fixed Subtitles are unreadable when using SNAP plugin

When SNAP plugin is used for playing, the subtitles are not correctly drawn: it seems that every line is shifted left for 10-20 pixels. This applies only to subtitles, WV messages like 'subtitle:en' are correctly drawn.

This does not happen when DIVE is selected for video playback.

#123 vladest guest fixed total playing time

it would be handy to have the total playing time somewhere shown in the gui

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