Custom Query (101 matches)


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Results (82 - 84 of 101)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#110 anonymous g.schoenmaker@… fixed Disturbed and snowy unreadable subtitles

Language subtitle text strings are disturbed and unreadable using SNAP overlay. This was noticed on machines equiped with the following video cards: ATI mobility Radeon 7500 and 9000; NVIDIA GeForceFX5200 (3.1 generation SNAP drivers up to 3.1.6 were tested).

No such disturbance when DIVE was used

Different results were found when WarpOverlay? in combination with those cards was used. It depends on which combination of WO and videocard was choosen. The binaries from the source files found on Hobbes (date 09-04-2005) are working quite well with both ATI 7500 and 9000. The combination of this WO and the NVIDIA GeForce5200 was a bad one. The subtitle strings were disturbed again.

So it seems that DIVE always works, however in that case you have to except a video quality which is rather poor compared WO and SNAP overlay.

#115 anonymous anonymous fixed Mute button does not work properly

The WVGUI mute button does not work properly: When playing a sound file, the button is showing the "crossed speaker" symbol, but I can hear the sound. When I press the mute button, the sound goes off. Afterwards the sound cannot be re-enabled.

The reason is, that my sound card has "Front Playback", "Surround Playback", "LFE Playback" and "Center Playback" controls only. But uniplug.c/AudioSetSoundState() expects a "PCM playback" control instead to work properly.

#116 vladest vladest fixed Zooming in DIVE & SNAP modes was broken


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