Custom Query (101 matches)


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Results (55 - 57 of 101)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#67 vladest julbts@… fixed WVGUI 1.0rc3 - SNAP Overlay - Out to desktop on Multi-Head configs

Hi Vladest!

It would be nice if you could use the "FullScreen Coords" settings (see Interface-Tab 2 of 2) to place the "Out to desktop" video window. I'm using SNAP Multi-Head here (2* 1024x768) and the window is currently placed in the middle of both screens. Only the part that is shown on the left window will be shown as SNAP overlay only works on one of the screens and not on both.

I've entered the coordinates (0,0 and 1024,768) as FullScreen Coords and it works for the normal FullScreen mode as expected. When using the Out to desktop function this setting is currently ignored. Maybe an additional checkbox for "Enable Out to desktop to use FullScreen Coords" is needed.


#69 vladest Andy Staszko <andy.staszko@…> duplicate RC3 Subtitles

Can't switch off subtitles on any DVD. Switching between None and English has no effect.

#73 vladest anonymous invalid Don't saveing video window pos and size, if not show on startup

Don't saveing video window pos and size, if not show on startup

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