Custom Query (101 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 101)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#63 anonymous anonymous duplicate distorted avi playback using win32 codecs in WO mode at 240 or 720 width

When playing an avi requiring win32 codec (IV50, I263) in WO mode, output is distorted if line width is 240 or 720, but playing properly if line width is 320. Possibly WO is only cooperating properly with win32 codecs, if line width is a multiple of 32 (NVidia graphics chipset here). Btw, playback of XVID encoded avi in WO mode at widths of 240, 320 or 720 is ok.

#65 anonymous dhdurgee@… fixed WVGui does not work with .asx files

Many web sites have links to .asx files containing references to .wma/.wmv files or streams. WVGui does not process these .asx files and play the media referenced within them, but if I download the .asx files and copy the reference and call video2.exe with it from the command line the media will play. An example file follows:

<ASX version = "3.0"> <TITLE>WMAL-AM 630 NewsTalk</TITLE>






<TITLE>WMAL-AM 630 NewsTalk</TITLE> <AUTHOR>630 WMAL</AUTHOR> <COPYRIGHT>(c)2004 WMAL</COPYRIGHT> <REF HREF = "" /> <REF HREF = "mms://" /> <DURATION VALUE = "3:00:00" />



#66 vladest julbts@… fixed WVGUI 1.0rc3 - SNAP Overlay - using the volume-slider the screen gets corrupted

Hi Vladest!

When I use the volume-slider while playing an AVI file (DivX/XviD) the screen gets corrupted because the volume OSD doesn't work. Same problem in window and fullscreen mode I've rechecked it with the DIVE plugin and there the volume OSD does not corrupt the screen. I'm using SNAP v3.1 (Dec. 2005) with ATI Radeon X800 Series in a DUAL-Head configuration (2* 1024x768). Video window is on the first (left) screen.


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