Custom Query (101 matches)


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Results (46 - 48 of 101)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#51 anonymous fbakan@… fixed SIGSEGV when touching gamma-slider in video-settings (SNAP-Plugin) rc3

When touching the gamma-slider in video-settings while playing a movie (using snap-plugin) video2.exe terminates with SIGSEGV.

STDERR tells:

Killed by SIGSEGV pid=0x0c1c ppid=0x0024 tid=0x0001 slot=0x00a4 pri=0x0300 mc=0x0001 G:\APPS\WV10RC3\VIDEO2.EXE cs:eip=005b:00000000 ss:esp=0053:0065f848 ebp=0065f860

ds=0053 es=0053 fs=150b gs=0053 efl=00213202

eax=0000002d ebx=000000a8 ecx=00bf59b4 edx=01af8a75 edi=006ba62c esi=000001e0 Process dumping was disabled, use DUMPPROC to enable it.

Hardware: S3 Video of T23-IBM-Laptop Video-Driver: SNAP-Version: 3.1.4

(I don't know if my hardware/driver supports gamma-slider at all, gamma-slider is disabled when using WO-Plugin)

(I still have no picture with snap-plugin, but that's another ticket).

#55 anonymous Sid fixed "Audio buffer too small to decode AC3" in RC3 with Uniaud plugin

Trying to play a ripped vob file using the uniaud plugin for sound, the file plays for a fraction of a second (the filename appears very briefly on the player display) and stops. Video2 log shows

Allocated offscreen video buffer 640 480 libavcodec: CPU flags: mmx mmxext sse libavcodec init OK! Using MMXEXT for YUV420P to BGR24 transform Using MMXEXT for YUV420P to YUV422 transform postprocess options [] recalc_aspect passed 0. 640 480 Error 3 opening SSAVER pipe This will disable SSAVER Video thread started PlayAudio thread started audio buffer too small to decode AC3

Audio thread finished detected 128 audio stream

Video thread finished Error 3 opening SSAVER pipe This will enable SSAVER Current playing stopped

The last few lines of the uniaud log show:

OSS32_MixSetVolume of PCM Playback Volume streamid f210913c to (0,0)(0,0) caps 31

OSS32_MixSetVolume of PCM Playback Volume streamid f210913c to (0,0)(0,0) caps 31

OSS32_MixSetVolume of Master Playback Volume streamid f210913c to (90,90)(61,61) caps 63

OSS32_MixSetVolume of Master Playback Volume streamid f210913c to (90,90)(61,61) caps 63

channels: 1, period size: 704

channels selected: 1

sample rate: 22050

Hardware parameters: sample rate 22050, data type 2, channels 1, period size 1024, periods 32

OSS32_WaveSetHwParams return 0 after SNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_SW_PARAMS ioctl, streamid f2109d30 OSS32_MixSetVolume of PCM Playback Volume streamid f210913c to (64,64)(24,24) caps 31

OSS32_MixSetVolume of PCM Playback Volume streamid f210913c to (0,0)(0,0) caps 31

OSS32_MixSetVolume of PCM Playback Volume streamid f210913c to (0,0)(0,0) caps 31

snd_pcm_open card: 0, dev: 16

snd_pcm_open_file f98acc56

snd_pcm_open_file: error open substream -11

OSS32_WaveOpen. Reuse streamid f2109d30

Found phandle for closing: f2109d30 reuse flag: 1

OSS32_WaveClose. streamid f2109d30

The file plays correctly, with sound, if the DART plugin is used. Soundcard is a Crystal 46xx, latest uniaud drivers.

#58 vladest anonymous fixed Picture "freezes" when FF (next part / *.vob) on DVD

This bug seems to occur on Intel-based motherboards only.

When looking through the DVD, if one pushes FF (>>) button (in order to view next part, which means - next *.vob) the part is changed, but the picture "freezes" until the "forward"(>) or "backward"(<) button is pushed. After this everything goes well. Until next "jump".

This has been tested on two different computers with different Intel processors and different (new ones, 25/01/05 version seems to work correctly) versions of WGUI (RC3 for example). AMD-based PCs seem not to suffer from this bug.

We need more statistics on this matter.

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