Custom Query (101 matches)


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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#38 anonymous sXwamp@… invalid SNAP Plugin- Total screen freeze.

System: ATI 9200 series video, Soundblaster Live (rev10). Problem: Screen freezes up with SNAP-Plugin, it works good with DIVE selected. After freeze I can hear the video running in the background still. Can not switch to fullsreen watchcat or CAD handler, must reboot!

Tried with default install of ecs12R, with default uniaud and snap build 485. Had to install SNAP-3.1.3 build 491 to get WV to work. And tried uniaud 114 rc1.

Tried with default install of ecs20b1, with default Soundblaster Live-Sanders driver 8.2 and default snap build 486. And tried uniaud 114 rc1.

Tried both above with UNI and SMP setup, same results.

It seems to run longer with dart plugin selected, but either way it will freeze up within 5-10 minutes. What version of SNAP do you use?

Thank you for all the hard work!!!

#39 anonymous rlalla@… fixed black video window when playing avi using win32 codec (rc2, dive out)

When I try to play a win32 codec supported avi (I263 or IV41 or IV50) using dive output module immediately after start of video2.exe, the video window is staying black. But if I played first a natively supported video (mpg or IV32 or..), then output from win32 supported avi is displaying properly.

#40 vladest rlalla@… wontfix WO plugin working properly with WIN32 codec only at certain line widths

The new WO plugin seems to work properly with native codecs (mpg, xvid, mp42,IV32). With WIN32 codecs (I263,IV50) it is working properly at 320 line width. But at widths of 240, 304, 488 or 720 output is corrupt/distorted. Apparently the WO plugin requires widths at multiples of 32.

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