Custom Query (101 matches)


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Results (34 - 36 of 101)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#34 anonymous asavage@… fixed RC2: no sound on sample MOV


No sound playing that sample (sample does contain sound).

#35 anonymous stevew@… fixed improve command line support

mplayer and wvision support things like: wvision file*.wmv mplayer file1.wmv file2.wmv file3.wmv

Would be nice if WVGUI would also work this way: 1) wildcard expansion can be done with compiler option 2) temporary playlist based on files specified

#36 anonymous anonymous invalid Nothing happens

When trying to run RC2, nothing happens. Even "video2.exe > debug.log" results in an empty log. Both liba52.dll and libc06.dll are available. I'm running SNAP 3.14. Video2.ini was deleted. When I revert to "10-03-05 19:03 2,523,688 0 video2.exe", it works just fine.

Seems to work for everyone else, so I'm pretty sure that I'm doing something silly.

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