Custom Query (101 matches)


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Results (22 - 24 of 101)

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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#18 vladest rlalla@… fixed Indeo4 avi support

The Indeo4 decoder library "ir41_32.dll" (739328 bytes) supplied with the archive does not work here. The wvgui error message is "cannot init video". There exist a newer library called "" (848384 bytes) which is working with wvgui when renamed to *.dll. I propose to modify codecs.c (line 670) to load the original *.ax library name.

#19 vladest anonymous fixed WarpVision v1.0 RC1 doesn't load MPG files.

WarpVision? v1.0 RC1 doesn't load MPG files. Crashes after a few seconds (it seem to be seeking for something).

WarpVision? v?.? (2004-09-12 build) reports (and plays well) :

Audio: sample rate: 32000, bit rate: 64 kbps, channels: 1
Video: MPEG1 size:640x480 aspect:1:1 fps:24.00
video fourcc: 10000001 [  ] "

OS/ System information :

Operating System/2 version 4.00 Rev 9.036
SNAP Ent. build 476 / ATI Radeon 9200 SE series 128MB
#20 anonymous rlalla@… fixed sys3171 when trying to play rtsp://*.rm streams

sys3171 when trying to play rtsp://*.rm streams from command line.

example: video2 rtsp://

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