Custom Query (101 matches)


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Results (97 - 99 of 101)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#24 anonymous ygk@… fixed No Sound in MPeg files

I just installed WVgui 1.0 RC2 and it doesn't paly sound in MPEG files. I can get sound in a .mov file if I delete the ini file and play it first after a restart. If I play it after an MPEG (no sound ever) then it doesn't play sound either. Sound was fine in RC1. I have a sound blaster live card using the SB live driver. Sound doesn't work with Dart or Wave.

#32 anonymous thomas@… fixed WVGUI 10GA shows always subtitles

When WVGUI RC2 and RC1 plays a DVD it always shows english subtitles ("none" as standard). I can select german subtitles and see them in german but when I select "none" I see subtitles (english) too. With versions before RC1 all works fine. Also in RC1/RC2 I can only see and select the menu (right mouse click) on the black stripes above and below the film (fullscreen).

#45 vladest madodel duplicate RC3 causes system freeze

On my T42p (eCS 1.2MR with latest SNAP Pro and UNIAUD) system locks up solid after 20-60 seconds)when playing a DVD. Also happened once with an AVI. This is with "Use APM" unchecked and happens with preferred plugin UNIAUD or DART. I have a couple of logs I will send. This also happened with RC2.

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