Custom Query (101 matches)


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Results (67 - 69 of 101)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#88 vladest fbakan@… invalid .rm stream does not work (trunk 171)

video2 rtsp://

  • branch 1.0 works (at least in principle) movie played intermittent.
  • current trunk (171) (also compiled myself) gives this error:

... PlayAudio thread started Video thread started detected 1 audio stream rdt chunk not recognized: got 0x00 rdt chunk not recognized: got 0x10

Audio thread finished rdt chunk not recognized: got 0x40

Video thread finished ...

the first picture of the movie gets displayed and then the movie stops.

#89 vladest vladest fixed Added separate DTS demuxer

Added separate DTS demuxer. Works with any WAV or RAW data file

#90 anonymous publicalfa-ng@… fixed c't-TV RealVideo Streams cause WV 1.0 to crash

Trying to play RealMedia streams with WV 1.0, like this one:


from the URL: ("Ganze Sendung als RealVideostream" icon at the bottom of the page) causes WV 1.0 to crash w/o a record left in PopUpLog.OS2, after having received data for some 5s.

Before the crash, during the reception period, the WV screen shows a very narrow, bright horizontal line, ending about 1/4 before the right margin and centred vertically.

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