Custom Query (15 matches)


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Results (10 - 12 of 15)

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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#10 fixed implement separated delimiter variable for timeslot data and set to <br> amp4ecs cla

intention: display session slot data in two lines, improve readability

#12 fixed Broken table in timeslot list amp4ecs Christian Hennecke

Currently, the extension outputs incorrect HTML for the schedule table. Rows that should have no table cell at all (because the preceeding rows have the rowspan attribute set for all their cells) have one empty table cell instead.

#14 fixed NLS support uses old locallang.php format amp4ecs Christian Hennecke

Currently, the wse_events extension's NLS support for front end and back end display uses the older locallang.php format. From what I see, the TYPO3 guys encourage developers to use the newer XML format. Could you switch to that?

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