= Wps-Wizard = WPS-Wizard is a set of classes to add unique features to the WPS. It's seamlessly integrated and offers e.g. an info area for folders showing previews of images (eCS 1.2MR and above) and PDFs (if Lucide is installed), a technically advanced and unique [IconEngine Icon engine], a Rexx interface to the WPS and much more. See the feature list for more info. == Current version == A beta version can be found here: [ftp://ftp.netlabs.org/incoming ftp://ftp.netlabs.org/incoming] Current version is '''V0.6.0bx''' (with x a number). == Features == * [IconEngine Icon engine] for using PNG icons * Preview of image and PDF files in folder info area * Configurable context menus * Rexx interface to the WPS. Use Rexx to program the behaviour of objects * Image files have their image as icon * Folder toolbars * Folder information area * Preview of images and Lucide thumbnails in the folder info area * Icon engine for using PNG images as icons * Icon engine allows on the fly creation of composited icons using the Cairo library * Configurable icon size (per folder) * WPS stability improvements * Works with XWP, EWP, !BubblePad, ... * It's free == Known problems == * Lucide previews are not shown if the GIF IO procedure from the eSchemes application is installed. Use the system supplied one. * No preview for BMP images for now * Ghost icons may be shown on the eCenter when screen color depth is set to anything other than 24 or 32bit == Screenshots == (will be enabled later after access rights are set properly) [[Image(source:/images/desktop-noia-blue.jpg, 25%, nolink)]] [wiki:NoiaBlueScreenshot (Desktop, 1280x1024)] Image(source:/images/desktop-noia-warm.jpg, 25%, nolink) [wiki:NoiaWarmScreenshot (Desktop, 1280x1024)] http://svn.netlabs.org/wps-wizard/browser/images/desktop-noia-blue.jpg?format=raw Image(source:/images/png-iconeditor-test2.jpg, 25%, nolink) [wiki:IconEditor (Icon editor, 1280x1024)] Image(source:/images/cairo-gadget.jpg, 22%, nolink) [wiki:CairoGadget (Cairo gadget, 635x568)]