Custom Query (15 matches)


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Results (4 - 6 of 15)

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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#23 fixed Lost focus of details window cinc guest

I installed wpswizard-0_6_1a3 (just the dlls). When I open specific drives (details view) and select properties everything works fine. When I close the properties the original drive window never gets focus again. Requires a desktop restart to close window.


#1 fixed Object hint orphaned when closing a folder while the hint is showing cinc criguada@…

If while looking at a folder the mouse pointer pauses over an object you get an "object hint" displayed. If you then close the folder with ALT-F4 (that is: not moving the mouse) the object hint stays on screen forever: you can't close it or move it anymore. It takes a WPS restart to remove. Also object hints stop working afterwards (that is: until the "orphaned" object hint is closed).

#3 fixed Screenshot Noia blue somebody cinc

A screenshot of the Noia Blue icon theme to be added to the wiki eventually

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