Custom Query (15 matches)


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Results (1 - 3 of 15)

1 2 3 4 5
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1 fixed Object hint orphaned when closing a folder while the hint is showing cinc criguada@…

If while looking at a folder the mouse pointer pauses over an object you get an "object hint" displayed. If you then close the folder with ALT-F4 (that is: not moving the mouse) the object hint stays on screen forever: you can't close it or move it anymore. It takes a WPS restart to remove. Also object hints stop working afterwards (that is: until the "orphaned" object hint is closed).

#3 fixed Screenshot Noia blue somebody cinc

A screenshot of the Noia Blue icon theme to be added to the wiki eventually

#6 fixed WPS lockup with the following in WPSWiz.log cinc guest

Trap occured in do_wizDrawIcon, file c/c_class/cwobject.c. A trap occurred in WPS-Wizard

Exception C0000005 Occurred at Wed Dec 12 15:07:31 2007

Invalid write address 0587FFF8

OS/2 Version 2.45 Failing code module internal name : LIBC063 Failing code module file name : C:\ECS\DLL\LIBC063.DLL Failing code Object # 1 at Offset 1a348

File Line# Public Symbol

C4C4C4C4C4C4C4C4C4C4C4C4 C4C4C4C4- C4C4C4C4C4C4C4C4C


Thread slot 101 , Id 26 , priority 0x200 Stack Bottom : 05880000 (0588:0000) ;Stack Top : 05888000 (0588:8000) Process Id : 31 .EXE name : C:\OS2\PMSHELL.EXE

Trap occured in do_wizDrawIcon, file c/c_class/cwobject.c. ~

Usually happens when I open a folder via the command line... Using this rexx script from who knows where:

/* */

parse arg str parse var str str" "mode signal on syntax name lab2 rc = RxFuncAdd?( "SysLoadFuncs?", "REXXUTIL", "SYSLOADFUNCS" ) rc = SysLoadFuncs?()


signal on syntax if (str = "") then str = directory() if (mode = "") then mode = "DEFAULT"

rc = SysOpenObject?(str, mode, 0) rc = SysOpenObject?(str, mode, 0)

syntax: return 0

1 2 3 4 5
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