Custom Query (15 matches)


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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#6 cinc guest fixed WPS lockup with the following in WPSWiz.log

Trap occured in do_wizDrawIcon, file c/c_class/cwobject.c. A trap occurred in WPS-Wizard

Exception C0000005 Occurred at Wed Dec 12 15:07:31 2007

Invalid write address 0587FFF8

OS/2 Version 2.45 Failing code module internal name : LIBC063 Failing code module file name : C:\ECS\DLL\LIBC063.DLL Failing code Object # 1 at Offset 1a348

File Line# Public Symbol

C4C4C4C4C4C4C4C4C4C4C4C4 C4C4C4C4- C4C4C4C4C4C4C4C4C


Thread slot 101 , Id 26 , priority 0x200 Stack Bottom : 05880000 (0588:0000) ;Stack Top : 05888000 (0588:8000) Process Id : 31 .EXE name : C:\OS2\PMSHELL.EXE

Trap occured in do_wizDrawIcon, file c/c_class/cwobject.c. ~

Usually happens when I open a folder via the command line... Using this rexx script from who knows where:

/* */

parse arg str parse var str str" "mode signal on syntax name lab2 rc = RxFuncAdd?( "SysLoadFuncs?", "REXXUTIL", "SYSLOADFUNCS" ) rc = SysLoadFuncs?()


signal on syntax if (str = "") then str = directory() if (mode = "") then mode = "DEFAULT"

rc = SysOpenObject?(str, mode, 0) rc = SysOpenObject?(str, mode, 0)

syntax: return 0

#8 cinc guest fixed Can't edit or browse icons

A fresh install of eCS 2.0 rc4. I installed Cairo 1.4.6, then WPSWizard 0.6.0 - no problems. Now, on the 'Icon' tab of the properties notebook of any object, if I click on 'Edit' nothing happens - the icon editor does not appear. If I click on 'Browse' a folder titled 'Icons' appears (not the browser)and the following error is written to WPSWiz.log:

Error in the Rexx skript C:\OS2APPS\WPSWIZARD\bin\theme\browseicons.rx. Get more information with 'help REX0041'.

#10 cinc guest fixed Fixpack 0.6.1a1 menus auf Deutsch

The WPSWizard fixpack 0.6.1a1 changes menu list items from english to german. These include the menu bar on all folders (Skripte instead of Scripts), the items at the bottom of the 'View' drop-down menu (Symbolgrosse, Informationsfenster, and Werkzeugleiste), and the buttons on the 'Rexx-Skript' tab of any folders 'Properties'

page (Entfernen, Suchen, and Widerrufen). Those are all I've seen so far....

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