Custom Query (3 matches)


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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#5 lewisr fixed Italian boot menu renders incorrectly

Although there were no textual changes between 2019.08.08 and 2021.08.12, the rendering of the opening boot menus is broken in the later build. See screenshots, attached.

#3 lewisr invalid genproto has difficulty parsing some NIFs

While installing ArcaOS on Hawking, I was forced to use the Compaq-supplied B57 NIC driver (neither the MMBGE nor the Broadcom reference driver work correctly on that hardware). During boot, GENPROTO complained about the duplex setting in the NIF:

Nif-parser: B57.nif#58: String "HALF" is longer that allowed StrLength.

This comes from GENPROTO.PAS.

For its part of the incident, the NIF actually says:

tag = DUPLEX
display = "Duplex Mode"
type = string
strlength = 3
optional = YES
editable = YES
help = "This parameter specifies duplex mode on the ethernet controller.  This parameter is optional unless the Linespeed parameter is specified.  The Linespeed parameter must be set when this keyword is used.  If neither the Duplex nor the Linespeed paramaters are specified the ethernet controller will default to autonegotiate mode."

(including the misspelling of "parameters" in the last sentence)

#4 lewisr fixed menu.brn driver string is malformed in certain cases

There seems to be some discrepancy between the length defined for a given driver description and driver name and how the string is interpreted when placed into the defined variable.


Given the following CONFIG.SYS statement to be completed:


The following strings all work:

; *note: Driver name *must* always be in brackets at the end of the string
; max. length:               >1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123<
'<DEV_CDROM_LIST_DEFAULT>' = 'Standard CD/DVD-Gerätemanager    (OS2CDROM)'
'<DEV_CDROM_LIST_01>'      = 'Standard CD/DVD-Gerätemanager    (OS2CDROM)'
'<DEV_CDROM_LIST_02>'      = 'Erweiterter CD/DVD-Gerätemanager (JJSCDROM)'
'<DEV_CDROM_LIST_03>'      = 'Legacy CD-Gerätemanager          (OLDCDROM)'

whereas results from these strings are inconsistent:

; *note: Driver name *must* always be in brackets at the end of the string
; max. length:               >1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123<
'<DEV_CDROM_LIST_DEFAULT>' = 'Standard CD/DVD Geräte-Manager  (OS2CDROM)'
'<DEV_CDROM_LIST_01>'      = 'Standard CD/DVD Geräte-Manager  (OS2CDROM)'
'<DEV_CDROM_LIST_02>'      = 'Erweiterter CD/DVD Ger.-Manager (JJSCDROM)'
'<DEV_CDROM_LIST_03>'      = 'Alter CD-Geräte-Manager         (OLDCDROM)'

In the latter case, 'Standard CD/DVD Geräte-Manager (OS2CDROM)' results in <DEV_CDROM_LIST_01> being placed into CONFIG.SYS as:


The same corruption is seen for <DEV_CDROM_LIST_02>, which ends up as:


Yet, <DEV_CDROM_LIST_03>, (with greater padding?) is properly entered.

However, by adding (back) the extra spaces:

; *note: Driver name *must* always be in brackets at the end of the string
; max. length:               >1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123<
'<DEV_CDROM_LIST_DEFAULT>' = 'Standard CD/DVD Geräte-Manager   (OS2CDROM)'
'<DEV_CDROM_LIST_01>'      = 'Standard CD/DVD Geräte-Manager   (OS2CDROM)'
'<DEV_CDROM_LIST_02>'      = 'Erweiterter CD/DVD Ger.-Manager  (JJSCDROM)'
'<DEV_CDROM_LIST_03>'      = 'Alter CD-Geräte-Manager          (OLDCDROM)'

all variables are properly filled.

I haven't seen this anywhere else, yet, nor have I tested without the umlauts.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.