Custom Query (21 matches)


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Status: accepted (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#39 Trap 000d in FLAT code seg. when starting VM on Asus Core2Duo Valery V. Sedletski defect major Driver

Status: closed (18 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#7 Headless connection task major Frontends fixed
#11 Compiler Version task minor Common Tasks fixed
#27 libidl defect minor Common Tasks fixed
#28 NASM defect minor Common Tasks fixed
#37 Kernel logging implementation enhancement minor Driver fixed
#1 Port VBox driver Valery V. Sedletski task critical Driver fixed
#10 Port configure Valery V. Sedletski defect critical Common Tasks fixed
#13 The VBox 'Main' server app. won't start with NS_ERROR_FACTORY_NOT_REGISTERED Valery V. Sedletski defect major Driver fixed
#14 The VBox 'Main' server traps in libc Valery V. Sedletski defect major Driver fixed
#15 Trap #3 in the Host driver (assertion failed) Valery V. Sedletski defect critical Driver fixed
#16 The VBox 'Main' server does not automatically start when starting VBoxHeadless Valery V. Sedletski defect major Frontends fixed
#18 NAT: Poll returns (Invalid argument) suppressed 130 Valery V. Sedletski defect major Common Tasks fixed
#19 Frontend traps in VBoxC.dll on terminating Valery V. Sedletski defect major Frontends fixed
#20 waitForEventsOnXPCOM rc=-1 errno=22 Valery V. Sedletski defect major Frontends fixed
#21 VM panic ("Guru meditation") with almost every guest OS Valery V. Sedletski defect critical Driver fixed
#34 Adjust RTPipe API Valery V. Sedletski defect blocker Runtime fixed
#12 problems klipp defect critical Common Tasks fixed
#8 Import 5.x source dmik defect blocker Common Tasks fixed

Status: new (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#36 Kernel threads implementation (assertion failed in vboxdrv.sys) defect major Driver
#22 XPCOM or VBOX 'Main' API testcases hang on startup Valery V. Sedletski defect major Frontends
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