Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#69 closed defect (fixed)

Wireless mouse does not work after reboot (USB 11.05)

Reported by: elygre Owned by:
Priority: minor Component: basedrv
Version: 11.05 Keywords:


My Logitech wireless mouse does not work after reboot (eCS 2.1). I have to remove the unifying receiver (USB) and insert it again for the mouse to work. A wired USB mouse works after rebooting.

USB 11.05

Change History (11)

comment:1 by David Azarewicz, 11 years ago

Priority: minorFeedback Pending

After reboot, when the Logitech wireless mouse is not working, does the unifying receiver (or the Logitech wireless mouse itself) show up in USBDock?

comment:2 by elygre, 11 years ago

No. After I have unplugged and then inserted the unifying receiver back into the USB port the unifying receiver show up in USBDock

comment:3 by elygre, 11 years ago

Owner: elygre removed
Status: newassigned

comment:4 by David Azarewicz, 11 years ago

Component: AMOUSEbasedrv

Although it is unlikely that any of the recent changes will affect your situation, you can try just in case.

comment:5 by elygre, 11 years ago

You are right. The new version does not change the situation.

comment:6 by David Azarewicz, 11 years ago

Just to be clear, the device works on the first boot, but then doesn't work on a reboot. Is that correct?

comment:7 by elygre, 11 years ago

No, it does not work after any boot, either from power off, from windows or reboot from eCS. I allways boot through the Boot Manager (IBM).

Version 0, edited 11 years ago by elygre (next)

comment:8 by David Azarewicz, 11 years ago

Please try the test build at and let me know if changes anything.

comment:9 by elygre, 11 years ago

Yes, this time it works. Thank you. But it seems as something has happened to USBDock. May be it has nothing to do with this problem, but I mention it anyway. The name and the picture of an equipment is often replaced with the name and the picture of another. It has nothing to say for the functioning but seems strange.

comment:10 by David Azarewicz, 11 years ago

Priority: Feedback Pendingminor

Thanks for testing.

You are correct. The usbdock thing is not likely related. You can try going to the usbdock directory and deleting all the image files. It will then reload what it needs. I need to delete them quite frequently on my systems because usbdock gets itself confused easily.

comment:11 by David Azarewicz, 11 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed in version 11.06

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