Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#50 closed task (invalid)

USB Driver does not recognize 2. EHCI controler

Reported by: GerhardB Owned by: somebody
Priority: minor Component: basedrv
Version: 2.0 Keywords:


I'm using an Foxconn board defined in the annex with 10 usb connectors and 2 x EHCI. Uhci 1 to 6 are places at the front side and work, the other 4 at the rear side don't work. Program usbcfgb075 is recognizing 5 uhci and 1 uhci controler driver.The rest is missing. How to solv teh problem?

Attachments (1)

GerhardB.txt (65.2 KB ) - added by GerhardB 12 years ago.

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Change History (3)

by GerhardB, 12 years ago

Attachment: GerhardB.txt added

comment:1 by Lars Erdmann, 12 years ago

Your PCI output lists 5 UHCI and 2 EHCI controllers. Therefore specify only 5 UHCI driver instances and 2 EHCI instances.
You will need to provide a trace, see enclosed readme.txt.

Version 0, edited 12 years ago by Lars Erdmann (next)

comment:2 by Lars Erdmann, 12 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

no further response from reporter

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