Custom Query (93 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#32 wontfix eject 160 GB harddisk on ICY box Compi compi

When ejecting a harddisk in the ICY box (160 GB, FS:JFS) the window as attached appears. After this the system does not recognize my WD Book. After rebooting access to the WD Book no problem. Running ECS 2.1 on a T43 testing USBHCD186.

#93 fixed Problems with protecting device detach and/or handing over streaming to another device Lars Erdmann Martin Iturbide

Problems with protecting device detach and/or handing over streaming to another device.

Lars. Please let me know how can I help and which tests should I execute for this ticket.

#79 fixed Belkin 4 port OmniView Doesn't support eCS...! Martin Rosenfeld Martin Rosenfeld

Running eCS 2.2 betaII with AHCI, 4-core AMD+, ACPI (no parameters). The KVM (Belkin F1DS1024L) works with Win7, XP, Linux, but does not connect mouse or KB after eCS has booted. It does work with KVM switching audio and video and mouse and KB connected directly to MB's USB 2.0 ports. I am using the USB drivers that install witheCS2.2betaII. I have also run an eCS 2.0 installation DVD and it does not work in the installation program through the KVM. I did try the drivers from USBHID 197 and USBHCD197, did not work. Neither did USBHCD-ECS-11.04 or USBHCD195. I am confused by the various USB releases and need help. I set Legacy USB to ON in BIOS, not AUTO.

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