Custom Query (93 matches)


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Results (67 - 69 of 93)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#66 Cyberpastor worksforme USB drivers ver. 11.04: Machine crashes after clicking Eject

Machine is Asus M5A88-V EVO mobo with AMD 565BE CPU.

Installed ver. 11.04 drivers, rebooted.

Inserted USB flash drive. Popup says device D: attached. RMB on D: icon and click Eject. Pop says device D: removed, data loss possible. Before I get a chance to unplug the USB drive,

popup again says Drive D: attached.

Pointing device freezes, followed by Trap screen:

"Internal processing error ##1800:1b4e - 0003:1b4e 60000, 2008 0b86090f Internal revision 14.105_SMP"

#68 robh NoChangeNeeded USB-Serial converter with PL2303 fails

My USB-serial converter fails to work (under eCS) with USBCOM. A serial port (COM4) is created and responds to mode commands, but no data goes out. A write() returns with code 18.

#71 dryeo NoChangeNeeded Write errors with pl2303 equiped modem

With the full USB-eCS-11.05 package and a hybrid serial+USB modem that uses a PL2303 chip when uploading I get frequent errors such as 22:36:29 Could not write to port, rc = 24 22:36:29 Could not write to port, rc = 24 22:36:29 Could not write to port, rc = 24 22:36:35 Could not write to port, rc = 24 22:36:35 Could not write to port, rc = 24 displayed in Injoys output window along with Injoy beeping its unhappiness. Downloading works fine and it doesn't seem to matter whether the data is compressed or not. With compressed data the speed is 28.8 at the fastest and usually slower. I've experienced this on 2 different computers. The modem worked fine when I had a serial port to plug it into, unluckily this computer does not have a serial port.

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