Custom Query (93 matches)


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Results (58 - 60 of 93)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#47 somebody Barry Landy duplicate freeze writing JFS memory stick

Same problem as reported earlier for previous versions of the suite.

While writing a lot of data (zip files of various sizes) to a JFS formatted partition on a memory stick the entire system freezes. The USB widget generally reports an invalid removal at the same time.

The likelihood of this is increased by other things (non USB) happening in parallel and reduced 9but not to zero) but doing NOTHING else in parallel.

#48 somebody Barry Landy duplicate freeze writing JFS memory stick (version 189)

Same problem as reported earlier for previous versions of the suite.

While writing a lot of data (zip files of various sizes) to a JFS formatted partition on a memory stick the entire system freezes. The USB widget generally reports an invalid removal at the same time.

The likelihood of this is increased by other things (non USB) happening in parallel and reduced 9but not to zero) but doing NOTHING else in parallel.

#49 somebody Barry Landy fixed Version 189: does not power USB hub

Repeated booting of 189; every time the green "on" lights on my USB hub (from which my keyboard and mouse operate) fail to come on.

If I switch to 189 during a session everything works OK so it seems to be a startup problem.

Everything works fine in version 186.

FWIW the hub is from Stapes with 7 ports.

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