Ticket #96: 241023.zip

File 241023.zip, 685.8 KB (added by zlmikhail, 7 months ago)

Recently I was able to get back to testing the drivers that you kindly provided at my request. For a long time I did not have the opportunity to do this fully. At the moment, I have discovered one problem that appears on drivers above 10.245, including the latest beta version 10.250. This problem does not depend on the controller (XHCI or EHCI) to which the Amanero USB audio device is connected. The error manifests itself in the fact that at an arbitrary point in time, but usually in the first 2 minutes, file playback suddenly stops. In this case, no errors appear, playback simply stops and the player timer freezes. I filmed and attached a trace of the case when the playback stopped at 24 seconds of playback.

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