Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of ReleaseProcedures

Sep 28, 2008, 7:36:05 PM (17 years ago)
Brendan Oakley



  • ReleaseProcedures

    v1 v2  
    2121 == Build and privately distribute the Release Package ==
    23 The designated builder checks that his source tree is up to date and builds Uniaud32.sys from trunk, Uniaud16.sys, and the installer files. He assembles the zip file based on the file list from the last release, and any changes that were decided. Then sends this in an email to the list of core contributors for review. The designated builder specifies in the message how it was built, and the versions of the tools used, highlighting anything different from previous releases. 24 hours are allowed for responses.
     23The designated builder checks that his source tree is up to date and clean, then builds Uniaud32.sys from trunk, Uniaud16.sys, and the installer files. He assembles the zip file based on the file list from the last release, and any changes that were decided. Then sends this in an email to the list of core contributors for review. The designated builder specifies in the message how it was built, and the versions of the tools used, highlighting anything different from previous releases. 24 hours are allowed for responses.
    2525This review is important for checking for any mistakes or omissions in the package, last-minute driver tests, and dry-runs of the installer (whose snags frequently are caught at this point).
     41 == Create Version in Trac ==
     43The release version, with its release date, is immediately added to Trac in the Admin section, and made the default, so new tickets refer to it.
    4145 == Send Announcements ==
    4751As soon as practical (ideally at the same time as the release upload, but usually a bit later) the designated builder builds and uploads the debug package to Netlabs. This is Uniaud32 and Uniaud16, built from the same code as the release, but with DEBUG enabled. Like the release, the package contents are based on the previous one, and the Readme.debug is updated as needed. The drivers should be tested by at least one dev first, two if practical.
    49  == Create Version in Trac ==
    51 The release version, with its release date, is immediately added to Trac in the Admin section, and made the default, so new tickets refer to it.