Custom Query (242 matches)


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Results (76 - 78 of 242)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#88 Steve Wendt unknown T60p, eCs 2.0R3 - Uniaud 1.1.4R4, Lockup.

Drive identifies card correctly, loads fine. Initial startup sounds play fine, but if any further access to sound card, system locks up tight. Willing to work w/ debug versions in order to get past this problem. Will attach pci.out, alsa32.log, and alsahlp.log

Let me know if you need further info.

#89 Steve Wendt duplicate T60p, eCs 2.0R3 - Uniaud 1.1.4R4, Lockup.

Drive identifies card correctly, loads fine. Initial startup sounds play fine, but if any further access to sound card, system locks up tight. Willing to work w/ debug versions in order to get past this problem. Will attach pci.out, alsa32.log, and alsahlp.log

Let me know if you need further info.

#90 Steve Wendt unknown System freeze with 1.1.4RC4, some improvement from 1.1.4RC3

On IBM ThinkCentre (model 8113-D6U - built-in AD1981 as reported by driver) I experience hard lockups on the second attempt to play a sound (the count is my guess only because this seems to be a system generated event). With the previous version (RC3) the same hard lockups happened on the first attempt to play a sound (on bootup when WPS was starting with the default system startup sound). Anyway, there is still no sound at all with RC4, although there is minimal improvement from RC3.

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