Version 10 (modified by 18 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Samba Server for OS/2 & eComStation
URL for build with some support for EA's is:
URL for updated build of v3.0.25pre1 is
As mentioned - this doesn't currently rely on Security/2
Instead - it uses libc's user/group functions to determine if a user is valid or not.
1) set unixroot=x: where x: is the drive that has a /etc/ path 2) Unzip to the unixroot drive, then editing \etc\master.passwd and add the users that you need.
Note the syntax of master.passwd - first field before the colon is username, second is password (leave this blank), third is usernumber which much be unique - others aren't important right now.
3) Remove the old pwd.db and spwd.db files from \etc then run pwd_mkdb from \usr\sbin: pwd_mkdb \etc\master.passwd
4) Edit smb.conf which should be put into %ETC%\samba\*
Note that the default config file smb.conf has provision for a guest account pcguest this user must be either added to master.passwd, the guest access commented out of smb.conf; or the user changed to a user that does exist in master.passwd
5) Note that Samba expects the users to be added using smbpasswd.exe too. Note that currently, smbpasswd.exe has problems generating the password, so users must be added with no password, ie: smbpasswd.exe -a psmedley -n To add user psmedley with no password.
New! As of v3.0.25pre1 released on or after 9th March, 2007 - smbpasswd works correctly and users can be added with: smbpasswd -a psmedley (enter password).
Currently tested clients:
- eCS v2 beta with Netdrive 3.04 and Samba Client v3.0.9 (EA's partially work with 20070226 build)
- Windows 2000 running in Svista
- Windows XP Home
- Mandrake Linux 2006
- eCS v1.2 with IBM LAN Client (EA's appear to fully work with 20070226 build)
Known Issues
- EA's not working correctly with Netlabs Samba client
- Special characters like ÄÖÜäöüß do not display correctly, they display as _
NEW!! Workaround for this - add
unix charset = SYSTEM
to smb.conf - next build will have code to fix this (it's fixed in v3.0.25pre1 >= 20070302)
- Password generation using smbpasswd not working correctly (fixed in v3.0.25pre1 >=20070309)
Thanks for testing!
Attachments (7)
(13.5 KB
) - added by 14 years ago.
evfsgui about
(9.9 KB
) - added by 14 years ago.
evfsgui connect
- evfsgui_details.png (18.7 KB ) - added by 14 years ago.
- evfsgui_dialog.png (18.9 KB ) - added by 14 years ago.
- evfsgui_nhood.png (34.7 KB ) - added by 14 years ago.
- login.png (6.7 KB ) - added by 14 years ago.
(62.6 KB
) - added by 8 years ago.
Samba folder im ArcaOS style
Download all attachments as: .zip