Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of MasterPasswdSyntax

Feb 6, 2008, 8:04:34 AM (16 years ago)
Herwig Bauernfeind

Fix some typos, add group file syntax


  • MasterPasswdSyntax

    v2 v3  
    11= Syntax of master.passwd =
    3 The master.passwd is a text file with every line holding exactly one user.
     3The {{{master.passwd}}} is a text file with every line holding exactly one user. It is located in {{{%UNIXROOT\etc}}}.
    55''Note: The user information in master.passwd is a prerequisite for Samba's own user information.
    2020||Deactivate pw in x sec||Not used currently||Set to zero (0)||{{{0}}}
    2121||GECOS||Full username||Useful, but not completely supported||{{{Herwig Bauernfeind}}}
    22 ||Home||The user's home directory||Enter path(*)||{{{D$/Samba/User/herwig}}}
     22||Home||The user's home directory||Enter path, see ''Note'' below!||{{{D$/Samba/User/herwig}}}
    2323||Shell||The user's shell||Not used currently||{{{/usr/sbin/nologin}}}
    3030''Note: You must enter a valid OS/2 path in this field and replace the ":" following the driveletter by a "$", otherwise the ":" would be misinterpreted as a field delimiter resulting in a broken master.passwd.
     32''Note: This works on Samba builds newer than 04/02/2008 with [ Ticket #44] fixed.
     34= Syntax of group =
     36The {{{group}}} is a text file with every line holding exactly one group and its assoiciated users. It is located in {{{%UNIXROOT\etc}}}.
     38One line consists of several fields delimited by a ":".
     40Sample line of the {{{group}}} file:
     42{{{group name:group password:GID:list of users in this group}}}
     44||'''Field'''||'''Description'''||'''Recommended value when using Samba'''||'''Example
     45||group name||The name of the group ||A simple text describing the group||admins
     46||group password||Common password for all members||Not used currently (Or better: Not tested yet)||*
     47||GID||Group-ID||Give each group a unique number||3000
     48||List of users||separated by commas||All users, that are members of this group||root,toor
     50With the examples similar to the above table, a valid group file would look like the following:
     52{{{# This is a comment in the group file}}}[[BR]]
     57''Note: One user can be a member of multiple groups.
     59''Note: Having at least these 3 groups is recommended.