Custom Query (292 matches)


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Results (79 - 81 of 292)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#221 fixed command line tools depend on rpm dlls Herwig Bauernfeind Steven Levine

The v2.5.0 build of smbclient.exe depends on some rpmbase DLLs. This prerequist should be documented.

#220 invalid Two machines fight over being DMB Herwig Bauernfeind Doug Bissett

I have two machines (IREBBS7 and SLY) that seem to want to be the DMB. I am pretty sure that I have the config set properly to make SLY always win, but it seems that the other, somehow, thinks it has won, until the other decides that it should be the DMB, and forces it back again. This often results in having two DMB machines, and the others can't seem to make up their minds which one to follow.

Server SLY should always win, and it should always remain as the DMB machine,

Server IREBBS7 should only win when SLY is offline for some reason (basically never happens). However, it seems to think that SLY went away, and it just takes over. None of the other machines have this problem, but they are all lower on the ladder, so they should never even consider trying, but they do comment, in the log, about getting two responses when they look for the DMB.

#219 fixed Build string in recent plugins borked (was: Network Neighbourhood) Silvan Scherrer Barbara

No more LAN available and errors in product information window repor: Samba Client Versions:
File system EVFS Version 1.002
Plugin file C:\ecs\dll\ndpsmb.dll
Plugin file C:\ecs\dll\InstallPackages?\ndpsmb\ndpsmb.dll
Commandline utilities Version 3.5.19-eCS 1.2.0-759
EVFSGUIVersion 2.5.RC3-[2013-04-05]
Plugin is NDPSMB-2_1_3-GA-20130407 installed simply using WarpIn?, but those errors may be because I'm using eComStation 2.2 beta, so how could i solve them?

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