Custom Query (292 matches)


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Results (64 - 66 of 292)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#212 fixed wiki links to older version of plugin Silvan Scherrer Steven Levine


recommend installing

which is an older version of the plugin.

#215 wontfix Samba 3.5.x smbd and nmbd both trash tdb files after some time Silvan Scherrer Herwig Bauernfeind

Symptoms: 3.5.19 nmbd stops working after some arbitrary time. For smbd no mor new connection is accepted, while older one still work.

Looking into log.nmbd I see plenty of these:

[2013/03/15 11:40:54.862000,  0] lib/util_tdb.c:385(tdb_log)
  tdb(D:\MPTN\ETC/samba/lock/wins.tdb): tdb_rec_read bad magic 0xd9fee666 at offset=6392
[2013/03/15 11:40:54.888000,  0] lib/util_tdb.c:385(tdb_log)
  tdb(D:\MPTN\ETC/samba/lock/wins.tdb): tdb_rec_read bad magic 0x42424242 at offset=5384
[2013/03/15 11:40:54.925000,  0] lib/util_tdb.c:385(tdb_log)
  tdb(D:\MPTN\ETC/samba/lock/wins.tdb): tdb_oob len 1113543791 beyond eof at 24576
[2013/03/15 11:40:54.925000,  0] lib/util_tdb.c:385(tdb_log)
  tdb(D:\MPTN\ETC/samba/lock/wins.tdb): tdb_rec_read bad magic 0x0 at offset=6704

for smbd.exe log entries look very similar.

Result is: nmbd.exe process is unkillable and smbd does not accept any new connection.

This problem also affects the client.

#216 fixed Link in Plugin-Helpfile Silvan Scherrer Batchheizer

The link in the ND-Plugin-Helpfile

"Samba für eCS (OS/2) Homepage"

should no longer link to the old Homepage (

It should link to

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