Custom Query (8 matches)


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Status: closed (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#177 Data Transfer windows -> ecs1 Silvan Scherrer defect major Client 2.1.x lack of feedback
#179 Name resolution with the Samba Client Silvan Scherrer enhancem. major Client 2.1.x duplicate
#191 Regression: First operation across a WLAN-Bridge fails with 3.3 based client plugin Silvan Scherrer defect Feedback Pending Client 2.1.x wontfix
#201 evfs client Incomplete directory listing Silvan Scherrer defect Feedback Pending Client 2.1.x wontfix
#178 Name resolution with the Samba Client Silvan Scherrer enhancem. major Client 2.1.x fixed
#180 Samba Client 2.1 cannot read smb.conf Silvan Scherrer defect major Client 2.1.x fixed
#192 Client lock directory is overridden by smb.conf Silvan Scherrer defect minor Client 2.1.x fixed
#219 Build string in recent plugins borked (was: Network Neighbourhood) Silvan Scherrer defect minor Client 2.1.x fixed
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